I have been thinking about re-designing this blog for some time. This post from Diana prompted me to rethink this again. Unfortunately, most of my work on this blog happens late at night … at the very end of my day — and by that time I am more interested in musing about ideas than working with Photoshop.
That said, while I was in Shanghai I got a haircut. A VERY short haircut (I think something may have been lost in translation — about 3mm). And it makes me think that it is about time I took the clippers to the design of this site.
Of course I need to consider such a move in terms of persona, look, feel and brand. Is this about the Servant of Chaos, and if so, what does he look like? Is it more about ideas, branding or storytelling? What does that mean for a site design? Do I want more control and input than Typepad currently allows? Hmmmm …
All good questions, of course. But perhaps this is just another form of procrastination. Maybe I should just do it.
Have you ever faced this problem? How did you get around it? Or are you still using the same design you started with?