Deep in the Z-list

Originally uploaded by the tallest pygmy.

Becky Carroll came up with a great idea … categorising the Z-list! After all … it was getting a bit out of control! And who better to think of it than one of the VERY FIRST names on the list?

But then I thought, what about a bit more information? What about a brief overview of each blog — just 10 or so words to sum it up? Surely it couldn’t take too long! Hmmm — so I have been up to my neck in the Z-list for the last couple of nights, taking a look here and there …. but luckily I am not alone as Becky decided to pitch in as did my good friend Sharon Sarmiento.

We have been tossing a document between us like a hot potato … and I think we are about half way there. With any luck it will all be done really soon.

When the Z-list phenomenon first started, I really liked the way that people would introduce the blogs that they loved. I think it was this small introduction that made all the difference to me (of course, it was hard to keep up with it all!), and really helped me to decide whether to click-through or not. But as the Z-list spread further and further, this small introduction slipped away, and we ended up with bigger and bigger lists. In the end, Seth Godin threw it all into a Squidoo lens … and then it all seemed to fritter away.

Of course, one of the things that Seth did was to stop the meme from spreading. I don’t know if this was done on purpose, but placing it onto Squidoo meant that everyone went to Squidoo rather than distributing their destinations randomly across the blogosphere. But it now seems like it is kicking itself back into life … and we are aiming to give it a little help along!

The Mack of Z

Originally uploaded by taikonaut.

When Mack Collier started the Z-list, it was done with a clear aim — to "turn Technorati’s system of using a blog’s # of links to determine its ‘authority’, on its ear". The focus at first was on marketing related blogs … but as with all things web 2.0-ish, once you release these beast-like memes into the world, you never know where they might take you.

I remember watching as incoming links started to increase. I was fascinated by the new sites that I would come across simply by following the Z-list. But then, at a certain point, things started to change … the meme jumped a category and began linking through to Education focused sites. This, to me, was thrilling.

The links continued to grow and the original impulse for the Z-list seemed to be lost. New additions to the list didn’t seem to play by the same rules — and simply added the list to their site without new additions. And importantly, for me, I was disappointed to find that otheres were not explaining the reason for adding new sites to the list (afterall, this gives at least some context and extra impetus to click through). But then the Z-list plateaued and seemed to run out of puff.

Over the last week or so there has been more activity kicking in … with a whole new category of blog picking it up. And, surprisingly, it seems to be gaining pace again. However, it is becoming unwieldy … so to provide a little more than a simple list, I am planning to do a quick review of each of the sites on the Z-list and try and categorise them — actually, Becky suggested that we divide the list in half! GREAT! But tonight I am thinking something more … perhaps a quick review — a TEN WORD REVIEW.

Now, I don’t know if I can do it … but will give it a go. What about you, Becky? Up for the Z-list 10 Word Challenge? Anybody else want to help out?

The New Z-list

It seems that the Z-list has been picked up by the money-making blog fraternity (perhaps they are the ones raking it in, Ann). So in the spirit of sharing the link love, here is the list fresh from Choice at Your Fingertips (I think I will have to categorise these!):

My Marrakesh
The Viral Garden
Choice at Your Fingertips
Ruminate this site
Evolution…not just a theory anymore
Travel And Vacation On Blog
Through the Lenses
A Free and Decent Blog Host
What is Brand?
Asyuu @ Forest
Employment Law Colorado
Current World news
World Blog Collection
Girls Swimsuits
Asia Inspection Community
Business Garden
Dipping into the Blogpond
The Best Guides to eCommerce with Favor
SEO Blog
Energy Blog
Dosh Dosh
Daily Blog Tips
Forged Euphoria
Above Popular
Gangster Sonny
Connected Internet
Mike’s Money Making Mission
Time to Budget
Can I Make Big Money Online
Flee the Cube
Blogging Secret
Blogging to Fame
Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under
Quest to make money on the internet
Kumiko’s Cash Quest
Calico Monkey
Internet Bazaar
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Pow! Right Between The Eyes!
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Two Hat Marketing
The Emerging Brand
The Branding Blog
Drew’s Marketing Minute
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
。Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly

2000 Bloggers

OK … looks like I am coming late to this one … but Tino Buntic has created what looks like another version of the Z-list — except this time to be added to the list you have to return to his site and add your name in the comments. It is a montage of the photos of 2000 bloggers (currently up to about 650 judging by the comments).

Interesting … it takes and extends a bit of Sandy’s idea with the Z-list and gives it a twist. Whereas Sandy’s approach was to take a design element and incorporate it into the montage, Tino’s idea is to use actual photos of the blog author. I was surprised to see a few faces there that I knew … and it made me think about the use of personal photos on blogs (another post to follow on this). It also made me think about MyBlogLog … as the reason I happened across 2000 Bloggers was through a bit of MyBlogLog hypertext love. Hmmm … I will need to think through this a little more!