It’s A Long Way Down the Z-list

Eastbourne 2005 – Cliff Edge
Originally uploaded by Tom Grau

Over the last few weeks I and my fellow Z-listers have watched as our Technorati rankings start to drop. First it was a few places here and there, but then, slowly but surely, there were larger drops … 50, 100 … more.

It was great while it lasted, and it really did provide a lot of blogs with some great exposure. But as with all things web 2.0 … the network waits for no-one. Now we look to see which ripple comes next — wondering whether we can surf it like a wave — or wondering even whether there is a desire to do so. Makes you think about what is important … fleeting fame and rankings? Community? A few extra emails? Or the chance to meet up with some of the people behind the words?

Blog Your Way to Fame

Fame There are lots of reasons for writing blogs. In fact, one of the most interesting memes (for me) was this one, which asked us all “why blog”. But some people blog for fame … and Divya has started a competition for emerging bloggers to help them gain a toe-hold in the vast, amorphous blogosphere. This is particularly interesting and timely, with Drew McLellan asking for help to build a blogging toolbox. This is where Divya’s blog comes in handy as she has plenty of tips for new bloggers as well as explanations for why some things work and others do not (I particularly liked this explanation of Google).

But back to the competition … there are two parts to the contest — for blogs and for bloggers (you can check out the contest rules here). There is some big money available, and you can see the rankings live. And who is on the selection jury? None other than Mike Sansone, the blog coach extraordinaire. Could prove to be interesting.


EVB : Cannes Lion
Originally uploaded by shinyrobot

It is always nice to be recognised for your hardwork — especially when that recongition comes from your peers. And I have been nominated NOT for one of the Lions from Cannes, but for something more compelling.

Both Lewis Green and Drew McLellan have nominated me as someone who makes them think. Now, coming from two people that I have great respect for — especially for their intelligence, humour and abundant generosity — really makes this a nomination to be proud of.

So, now the deal is … I have to nominate five other writers who make ME think. And following back through Drew’s post to David Reich, CK, Cam Beck, Ariel Waldman and Mark Goren, there are quite a few already nominated.
But there are many excellent writers who don’t seem (as yet) to have been nominated, or at least, have not yet posted on their nomination. So my nominations are:

Paul McEnany of HeeHaw Marketing. While known for his off-the-cuff brilliance and no-holds-barred cussing, he combines great writing, energy, storytelling and even images (from time to time). And for him "badass" is a natural turn of phrase.
Mack Collier because he single handedly does more to stimulate and energise this community of marketing bloggers than anyone else I know. Mack has a particular knack of seeing a topic and bringing new vision to it — I often think "he has done it again".
Sean Howard from Craphammer also gets a nomination because he consistently takes a strategic position and tries to figure out the challenges for the rest of us. He willingly shares these great ideas with us all (in the hope that we can contribute), but many times, again, I find myself wishing I had borrowed his brain for a while. Oh, and he is a top shelf editor of our EatSleepBlog escapades (another coming soon).
Katie Chatfield of GetShouty is also nominated because she is, quite frankly, one of the best creative thinkers around.

Roger von Oech is my final nomination (though I could go on). Not only does he make you think, he constantly surprises you in the way that he draws ideas together. If you ever need a whack on the side of the head, then Roger is your man.

Is the Z-list Your Worst Nightmare?

Your worst nightmare
Originally uploaded by schoey.

Over the past few weeks I have been noticing a few additional incoming links related to the Z-list. There have also been a few comments and emails. Now, I am a fan of the Z-list … it has been a great way to get to know a few other blogs that I would not normally visit and I do tend to check out the new additions as they come through.

The Z-list is like a wave, it ebbs and flows, comes and goes … and with it comes links to new and sometimes interesting websites. Most of the new additions have very limited content and the Z-list has been used as a way of boosting awareness, readership and links.

But, as always, awareness and links (or even traffic) don’t make a community. When the hapless Z-list visitor follows the links through to your site what will they find. Is there:

  • Interesting and engaging content
  • A depth of topics devoted to your specialisation
  • Posts that invite your readers into a dialogue
  • A spirit of transparency in your writing style
  • An emerging sense of your personal brand

You see, the Z-list can be a great opportunity but it could also be your worst nightmare. It may just generate traffic for you, it may succeed in boosting your Technorati ranking … but all this fades quicker than the click of a mouse. It is like inviting someone to your home but then not offering them anything to drink — no nibbles, no entertainment or conversation.

So rather than simply jumping into the Z-list, take the time to get your house in order. You will be remembered for being a charming host, an affable conversationalist and we will all talk about how good your party was. Isn’t that the point?

Update: If you are a new Z-lister and want to see some examples of good blogging practice, you can start with those sites on my blogroll. I ONLY list sites that I read regularly, and those that make it are consistently good! And, really, the best way to learn is to participate … you will find the authors and sites listed are all generous, spirited and intelligent. Enjoy!

Magazines for Pleasure

I read online a lot … eventhough I know this sometimes means my retention will be lower. It is easier, convenient but also very much part of my personal information and self learning process. Obviously there are plenty of blogs on my reading list … but when it comes to pure pleasure, there is something quite unlike a fresh, strong, black coffee and a good magazine. Robyn McMaster tagged me for a magazine reading meme, so here is a list of my favourite mags!

Amcn I have been reading Australian Motor Cycle News magazine for years … ever since I bought my first motorbike I have kept up with the latest "must have" bikes. These days I mostly read it to check the road tests of all the bikes that I no longer have much interest in acquiring (my wrists just can’t take the pressure anymore).

I particularly like the longer articles where series of bikes are taken away for a week’s touring along the Australian coastline. Or inland. Or anywhere — there really is something about riding a bike and a sense of freedom!

Sydneymag Another magazine that I like to read from time to time is the Sydney Magazine. As a Sydney-sider, we all tend to become a little self-obsessed — with ourselves, our blogs, our jobs, our homes, our families, our lives. Oh … is anyone still reading this?

Apart from having some great stories, high production values and a certain style, it is edited by an old friend of mine (who I have not seen in years) and feels like a weird way of keeping in touch.

But, that is about it. Magazines are great … but make only rare appearances in my world! Same with newspapers (sorry Bob).

Number 5

Number 5
Originally uploaded by werdsmyth_2000.

Tim has tagged me — so now it is my turn to give five reasons why I blog (ok five may be hard to stick to):

  1. Community — If you want to play in the community space, if you want to understand what online communities and social media is all about, then you have to DO IT. Not only that, you have to understand how LONG it can take to build a community (months not days), the tools you need, the way to measure and chart your growth and, importantly, how to create the stories that work for your audience.
  2. Gals and Guys — You get to meet some great people blogging. You quickly find that there are a LOT of people out there who are smarter, funnier, prettier and altogether far more groovy than you. But if you are careful, and respectful (ok … sometimes you have to grovel), then sometimes they will play with you.
  3. Writing Strategy — I think this is one of Russell’s … but I believe that writing is strategy. If you work in strategy (or would like to), then writing is one of the best ways of creating strategy … and blogs are a perfect way to TEST IDEAS, challenge beliefs and give you the chance to put your money where your mouth is. Got a great idea? Put it online and let it be picked apart. If you have thick skin, you can learn from the best minds in the biz.
  4. Shoot Your Mouth Off — This is part of the chaotic approach. There are days when you just need to vent … you will see something and be outraged. You will read something and be disgusted. On those days, it is just not good form to rant on other people’s blogs — so having your own blog is perfect. I used to rant a lot more often than I do now, but I remember that it felt good. Actually, I am sure I am OVERDUE for the sin bin any day now.
  5. Pleasure — I actually enjoy blogging. If I am away from it for too long I feel like I am missing out on something. And I find myself brimming over with ideas that are all too easily forgotten — at least with blogging I have a way of keeping track of them all.

OK … now the fun part! I get to choose five other bloggers:

  • Seb — because he has a great way of looking at the world and a fascinating ability to thin slice culture and society.
  • Sacrum — well because he is Sacrum. And because he sends warmness.
  • Diana — because she writes such lovely e-mails and has such fascinating stories, insights and personal pictures on her site.
  • Stan — because his blog cloud highlights the words LOVE and ADVERTISING and because he can’t get to Sydney for coffee mornings so we need another way to meet him.
  • David — because he has just started blogging and I am keen to know what prompted him and whether he has picked up the addiction as yet.

eZ-list Reborn

Becky Carroll and Sharon Sarmiento have done an OUTSTANDING job of visiting each of the blogs on the Z-list and categorising them for us all! What we have done is add in a 10 Word Description that tries to capture the focus of each blog (easier said than done, believe me!). It has been an exciting couple of days!

We have this current list available in a number of formats — Word, HTML and Excel. I was trying to put the Excel version into a pivot table but kept losing the links (anyone volunteering for pivot table duty?). I have also started a Z-list wikipedia page and aim to have an editable version of the Z-list available there sometime soon — feel free to contribute.

Note to future Z-listers — please add in some of these details as it helps all potential visitors to choose to visit you!

Update: Added Mindblob — sorry Luc!

Download zlist_by_category.xls

Download Zlist-categorised.doc



Blog Name Author Location Category 10 Word Description
Calico Monkey Animation Focuses on the ToonBoom software to create animation.
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together Tammy Vitale Maryland, USA Art Art-focused, including thoughts on the art that Tammy produces.
Woolgathering Elizabeth Perry Art Looking, thinking, drawing, being
World Blog Collection ugyen Blog aggregator Blog listings categorized by type; goal to add 1000 links in ’07.
Blogging Secret Louiss Lim Malaysia Blogging Part personal but mostly blogging related site.
Blogging to Fame Divya Uttam India Blogging All aspects of online business from SEO to usability and blogging.
Blog-Op Chris Lodge Blogging How to improve your blogging by Chris and others.
Daily Blog Tips Daniel Blogging Tips to improve your blogging from tools to design.
Mike’s Money Making Mission Mike Blogging Making money using free blogs.
One Reader at a Time Bob Glaza Blogging One blogger’s experiment in building and engaging with online communities.
Ruminate this site The Ruminator Maine, USA Blogging Reviews blogs and sites so that we don’t have to.
SMogger Social Media Blog Linda Bustos Vancouver, Canada Blogging The ethical use of social media for bloggers and other web users.
SuccessCREEations Chris Cree Georgia, USA Blogging Blog Consultant bringing the twin passions of business and blogging together.
Successful Blog Liz Strauss Blogging The legendary Liz Strauss, blogger extraordinaire and creator of the SOB award.
Troy Worman’s Blog Troy Worman Jacksonville, USA Blogging Focus on writing, ideas and connections
Copywriter’s Crucible Matt Ambrose UK Blogging, Copywriting The importance of copy in corporate blogging
Copywriting Tuneups Eric Rosen Blogging, Copywriting How to measure reading effectiveness and why it is important in the blogosphere
Dipping into the Blogpond Meg Sydney, Australia Blogging, Tech Blogging about starting an Internet company in the Sutherland Shire.
BrandSizzle Anne Simons Branding Broad and deep insight into the branding process.
Own Your Brand! Mike Wagner Iowa, USA Branding Blog to help businesses re-imagine their brands.
The Emerging Brand Anna Farmery UK Branding Corporate branding blog focused on leadership.
The Engaging Brand Anna Farmery UK Branding Using technology and marketing knowledge to improve business communications.
What is Brand? Japan Branding Japanese readers/speakers? Anyone?
Presentation Zen Garr Reynolds Japan Business (Site in English) Tips for great presentations, marketing, and business communications.
Bob Sutton Bob Sutton California, USA Business Discussions of “jerks” in business.
Perspective Niti Bhan Asia Business Health, wealth and the freedom to choose.  Archived blog.  New one is jugaad (
Ramblings from a Glass Half Full Terry Starbucker Connecticut, USA Business Views on business life.
Simplicity Mary’s Blog Mary Schmidt New Mexico, USA Business Business development, marketing troubleshooting
Funny Business Scrambled Toast Business commentary Wide ranging discussion on business with a funny and pictorial approach.
Creative Think Roger von Oech California, USA Business, Creativity Fun Ideas to stimulate your creativity.
The Copywriting Maven Roberta Rosenberg Washington  DC, USA Copywriting Marketing and SEO copywriting tips.
Brain Based Biz Robyn McMaster Creativity Tips for stirring creativity in business.
Experienceology Stephanie Weaver California, USA Customer Experience How to create great customer experiences on the web and in the “real” world.
QAQNA Tom Vander Well Iowa, USA Customer service Business blog on call centers, quality assessment, and customer service.
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid! Tim Jackson Cycling, Blogging The irrepressible Tim MasiGuy Jackson and Co’s slant on bicycle marketing.
MineThatData Kevin Hillstrom Database Marketing Tips for database marketing from the viewpoint of a DM wiz.
Design Sojourn DT Sydney and Singapore Design How to do good design and create clever products.
aialone JT (Jon) Winebrenner Canada Design, tech Design, innovation, as well as Jon’s cartoons!
Frozen Puck Brock Skywalker Canada Eclectic Making cool stuff with expensive toys
Africa Unchained Emeka Okafor Economy Discussing issues and solutions in Africa.
Energy Blog Energy Industry News, information and updates on the Energy generation industry.
Movie Marketing Madness Chris Entertainment, marketing Marketing with a focus on Hollywood.  No info on About page. 
gDiapers Jason Oregon, USA Environment Corporate blog discussing environmental issues.
Time to Budget Mona Weathers Finance How to gain financial freedom by controlling your finances.
Soloride Paul Sanchez California, USA Fundraising A project raising awareness and funds for children with dyslexia and learning differences
Girls Swimsuits Preety Girls The name says it all, new site, small archive.
Home Business Wiz Barbra Sundquist Canada Home business Collection of resources about home business.
Working at Home on the Internet Joe Hauckes Home business, Blogging Home business entrepreneurs and making money from home
Kristie T Kristie Tamsevicius Home business, Online Money Making Fun, mom-geared work-at-home tips and advice on making money on the net.
Asia Inspection Community Industrial Blog for Inspection Engineers based in Asia. Includes job board.
Employment Law Colorado Peter Mullison Colorado, USA Law Resource for employers and employees on Colorado employment law
Leading Questions Ed Brenegar USA Leadership Real life leadership, organisational tranformation and practical tips for leaders of all kinds.
Steve Olson Steve Olson Life Chronicling one family’s quest for personal freedom.
Make It Great! Phil Gerbyshack Wisconsin, USA Life coaching How to take your life from good to great by focusing on relationships.
You Already Know This Stuff Jodee Bock Fargo, USA Life Coaching Reminding us all that what we need to know is already in our minds and hearts.
HolyMama! USA Lifestyle Funny perspective on life from a stay at home Christian mom.
My Marrakesh Maryam Montegue Morocco Lifestyle Expatriate American with an eye for style, architecture and good living
Gangster Sonny Mafia Fascinated with all things mafia … from movies to weapons.
Talking Story Rosa Say Hawaii, USA Management Management and leadership, Hawaiian style.
AENDirect Aen Tan Singapore Marketing Freelance art director’s view on creativity and advertising
Being Peter Kim Peter Kim Massachusetts, USA Marketing Personal insights from the depths of Forrester (note: this is his personal, not Forrester, blog).
BizandBuzz Gianandrea Facchini Rome, Italy Marketing Brand building and marketing from an Italian perspective
bizsolutionsplus Lewis Green Connecticut, USA Marketing A passionate and respected author, marketer and activist.
Blog Till You Drop! Laurence-Hélène UK Marketing Marketing, advertising, branding, blogging
Branding & Marketing Chris Brown Ohio, USA Marketing Designed for business professionals with an interest in branding and marketing.
Business Garden France Marketing French readers/speakers?
Buzz Canuck Sean Moffitt Toronto, Canada Word of Mouth Passionate exponent of word of mouth from Canada.
Buzzoodle Ron McDaniel Ohio, USA Word of mouth, Marketing Creating buzz with word of mouth marketing.
Christine Kane Christine Kane Marketing, Music A recording artist, Christine harnesses the power of community to reach her audience.
CKs Blog Christina Kerley New York, USA Marketing Clever strategies, the new best practices, and the smart marketers behind them.
Conversation Agent Valeria Maltoni Pennsylvania, USA Marketing Connecting ideas and people—how talk can change our lives
converstations Mike Sansone Des Moines, USA Marketing, blogging Known as the blogging yoda (for insight not looks), Mike is a conversation generator.
CrapHammer Sean Howard Canada Marketing Marketing using new media.
Customers Rock! Becky Carroll California, USA Marketing, Customer Experience Marketing the customer experience; its importance for businesses.
Diva Marketing Toby Bloomberg Atlanta, USA Marketing The Diva herself, aligning technology, marketing and branding for businesses.
Dmitry Linkov Dmitry Linkov Moscow, Russia Marketing, Business Everyday and business issues
Drew’s Marketing Minute Drew McLellan USA Marketing, Eclectic Where strategy and passion collide
eSoup Sharon Sarmiento Alabama, USA Marketing, Entrepreneurism Productivity, marketing, web media, small biz development and other stuff entrepreneurs ought to know.
Flooring the Consumer C. B. Whittemore New Jersey, USA Marketing, Customer Experience Improving the consumer experience, particularly in flooring (carpeting)
Get Shouty! Katie Chatfield Sydney, Australia Marketing, Planning Digital strategy and thoughts on blogging.
Golden Practices Michelle Golden Marketing Thoughts on marketing for professional services firms, including lawyers and CPAs.
Hee-Haw Marketing Paul McEnany Texas, USA Marketing There is no box. New media marketing strategy thrown together with a few cuss words and a dash of panache.
Hola! Oi! Hi! Katia Adams New York, USA Marketing, Multicultural Thoughts of a Brazilian newly arrived in the US with a marketer’s point of view.
Jeremy Latham’s Blog Jeremy Latham Vancouver, Canada Marketing A marketing-business oriented blog on website development.
John Wagner John Wagner Texas, USA Marketing News and views on marketing, advertising, media, PR and grass-roots communications
Kinetic Ideas Wendy Maynard Oregon, USA Marketing Marketing tips, ideas, strategies, and musings for small businesses.
Logic + Emotion David Armano Chicago, USA Marketing The intersection of marketing, brand engagement and experience design. How to turn your passive consumers into active brand participants.
Marketing Hipster Cord Silverstein Raleigh, USA Marketing Online oriented blog on marketing and web 2.0 tools.
Marketing Nirvana Mario Sundar USA Marketing How corporate marketers can leverage the web & social media for better results
Mindblob Luc Brussells, Belgium Marketing Using alien intelligence to follow the path of ideas as they come to life.
Multi-Cult Classics HighJive Marketing, Advertising Musings on Multiculturalism in the Ad Industry and Beyond.
Nick Rice Nick Rice Kentucky, USA Marketing, branding Marketing strategy combined with creative thinking and design.
On Influence & Automation Douglas A. Karr Indiana, USA Marketing A marketing and technology blog
OTOInsights Jeremi Karnell Marketing Corporate blog focusing on using technology to create and sustain customer conversations.
Pardon My French Eric Frenchman New Jersey, USA Marketing Online strategy and marketing with great case studies of real projects.
Pow! Right Between The Eyes! Andy Nulman Marketing The importance of surprise in business
Purple Wren Sandy Renshaw Iowa, USA Marketing Tools and techniques for communicating life through print and images. 
Servant of Chaos Gavin Heaton Sydney, Australia Marketing Gavin’s rant on the world of branding and storytelling.
Shotgun Marketing Blog Chris Houchens Kentucky, USA Marketing Musings on marketing and related ideas.
Small Business Blogging Andy Wibbels Chicago, USA Marketing, Tech Using web media to market your business
Tell Ten Friends Jordan Behan Canada Marketing Marketing using new media to make connections.
The Branding Blog Martin Jelsema Marketing Branding principals, opinions and prejudices he’s developed
The Experience Curve Karl Long California, USA Marketing, Social Media Social media and marketing from an experiential point of view.
The Instigator Blog Ben Yoskovitz Montreal, Canada Marketing Entrepreneurial focus on marketing, ideas and building your business
The Marketing Minute Drew McLellan Iowa, USA Marketing Expert insight into marketing and branding. And Drew loves Disneyland.
The Viral Garden Mack Collier Alabama, USA Marketing Mr Community leads the way in using technology to create conversation.
Two Hat Marketing Steve Miller Washington, USA Marketing Views on targeted marketing.
Unconventional Thinking Chris Kieff New York, USA Marketing The art and science of growing businesses
Viaspire A biz blog—Viaspire Marketing Marketing and Communications consulting firm blog
Popcorn n Roses TC Kirkham and Kim Brown Massachusetts, USA Movies Movie industry blog with reviews and musings.
Current World news News “Breaking” news across a couple of categories. Small archive.
Choice at Your Fingertips News, Blogging News and tips for making money blogging. No archive.
Blogtrepreneur Adnan UK Online Money Making How to be an online entrepreneur and also build community!
Can I Make Big Money Online George Brian Manty Online Money Making Tips for making money online including research, design and blogging.
Dosh Dosh Maki Online Money Making Trying to source legitimate methods for making money online.
Internet Bazaar Guhan Mathivanan Online Making Money Tips and ideas for making money online.
Kumiko’s Cash Quest Kumiko Tokyo, Japan Online Money Making Trying to make money online and sharing the experience.
Million Dollar Experiment heads Down Under Rob St George New Zealand Online Money Making Can thinking positively make you a cool mill? Rob hopes so.
Quest to make money on the internet UK Online Money Making Currently up to £128, this site makes money by letting out its posting space.
Above Popular Mark Personal Motivated to make the world a better place.
Critical Fluff Jayniek Maryland, USA Personal Ranks various things in life with mulligans, crabapples, and pineapples.
Forged Euphoria Personal Some sponsored links.
OrbitNow! Troy Worman Florida, USA Personal Miscellaneous musings
The Sartorialist Photography, fashion Photos of fashion on the streets, geared to inspire designers.
Bullshitobserver Todd Anthony Politics Politics and commentary.
New Millenium PR Andrea Weckerle PR Bringing business, branding, marketing and PR together.
The New PR Ryan Anderson Ottawa, Canada PR Public relations in the online world.
Carpe Factum Timothy Johnson Project Management Blog that focuses on the things you need to do to accomplish things. Especially big things.
Work, in Plain English Penina S Finger Project Management A design and marketing focused blog on project management. Interesting mix!
turned out David Turner Illinois, USA Religion Minister blogging to connect everyone with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Evolution…not just a theory anymore Greg Laden Minnesota, USA Science, Religion Creation vs evolution, commentary and archaeology by an independent scholar.
SEO Blog SEO New site on SEO and use of blogs to improve rankings.
Flee the Cube ICesar California, USA Small Business Starting up a small business in web design.
Community Guy Jake McKee Dallas, USA Social media Online and offline community building tips and tricks.
A Free and Decent Blog Host Unfathomed_Psyche Tech Technology news focusing on blogs and blog software
Billions With Zero Knowledge Austin Hill Canada Tech, Business Changing the world with little bits of knowledge
Connected Internet Everton Blair London, UK Tech All things to do with technology, mobile phones and gaming. Darren Barefoot Canada Tech, marketing Tech news, writing and marketing
Deepak Deepak Tech Focuses on the technology of the Internet and loves Google.
MapleLeaf 2.0 Mark Evans Canada Tech Tech news stories relating to Canada
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn Scott Burkett Georgia, USA Tech Musings on technology, IT management, and online community.
Small Surfaces Gabriel White Tech Interaction design, user interface design, user experience, usability and social trends related to mobile devices.
TechBuzz Thilak Mangalore, India Tech Tech new and reviews written by 17 year old in India. Awesome. Rob Masefield Travel Design and photography blog.
Through the Lenses Jas Vancouver, Canada Travel, Photography Travel/photography blog includes stunning shots and photography tips.
Travel And Vacation On Blog Travel Lightweight travel guide/destination information on selected cities. Needs more.
The Best Guides to eCommerce with Favor Viral marketing Viral marketing tools, memes and SEO tips.
Web Metrics Guru Marshall Sponder Web analytics Web analytics, in particular for blogs
The Future of the Web Jesse Skinner Canada Web Development Use of new technologies for the web.
Social Media on the fly Mark Krupinski Florida, USA Web media, blogging Learning social media on the fly
Asyuu @ Forest Japan Japanese readers/speakers? Anyone?