Come to Gathering ‘11 in Melbourne

gathering-logo-with-text-180x180 Next month in Melbourne, leading thinkers, change-makers and collaborators from across Australia and around the world are gathering to explore whatʼs possible, and to develop ideas on how we can best solve todayʼs most pressing social and environmental challenges. It’s a great chance to share your brain with some super smart folks!

There are some great participants including:

  • John Hagel: co-chair Deloitte Center for the Edge (USA) and co-author of The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion
  • Michel Bauwens: Belgian technologist, theorist and researcher on culture and business innovation and founder of the Peer to Peer Foundation (Thailand).
  • Venessa Miemis: futurist, digital ethnographer and writer at Forbes.  Blogger at Emergent by Design, founder of Open Foresight and producer of The Future of Money (USA).
  • Pete Williams: social web revolutionary and CEO of Deloitte Digital. Helped rebuild Flowerdale after the 2009 Victorian bushfires and is #hannahsdad (Australia).
  • Kate Carruthers: Marketer, technologist, educator, blogger. Co-Chief Changemaker at Social Innovation Sydney (Australia)
  • Christine Egger: champion of social innitiatives and former Co-Director of Social Actions (USA).
  • Stephen Johnson: Social Enterprise Evangelist and Community Catalyst. Head of Social at Community Engine (Australia).
  • Jean Russell: collaboration catalyst and founder of and (USA).
  • Kristin Alford: Futurist and communicator at Bridge8. Exploring the role of science & technology, in innovation, economic development, social change and sustainability (Australia).
  • Tim Longhurst: Futurist, speaker, minimalist and activist (Australia).
  • Ehon Chan: Researcher, teacher and change agent. Co-founder News Unlimited and YESBrisbane, Board Member at PlanBig (Australia)

You can register here. Get tickets while you can!

Beyond Innovation – Vibewire’s fastBREAK

I love a TED talk or a TEDx video as much as the next person. These videos that capture the speeches given at the annual TED conferences in Long Beach/Palm Springs and Edinburgh, feature some of the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers. Each speaker is challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less).

But time is short, and often I don’t need more, I need less. Sometimes even that 18 minute talk is a luxury that I struggle to squeeze into my day. As Clay Shirky suggests, what we often experience is not a glut of information but a failure to filter the information in a relevant way. And often that means that even the best TED talks receive short shrift.

But perhaps more than this need to zero-in on the essential elements, I find that I am increasingly interested in not just the hero story – the path to success, the riches achieved or the way it was done – but in the personal story that is the back story of the hero. I want to know the person behind the mask. After all, every great success costs us something as does every great failure.

This is where Vibewire’s fastBREAK innovation series breaks much needed ground.

On the last Friday of every month, Vibewire in partnership with the Powerhouse Museum, showcases five young innovators in five minute long talks (notice how quick they are?). The focus is on the personal journey that these pioneers have undertaken. Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes it’s heartbreaking. And sometimes it takes your breath away. But it is ALWAYS inspiring.

Just take a look at these two talks and you’ll see what I mean – one from Leanne Townsend, CEO of the NSW Reconciliation Council and Courtney Tight, Media and Marketing Coordinator of the Young UN Women Australia Sydney Committee.

fastBREAK is a core component of Vibewire’s charter – to ensure that young people are included (and able to participate) in conversations that matter – at local, state, national and even global levels. The events are produced by a team of young volunteers. The speakers are carefully selected and coached. The themes are brainstormed and promoted. And each quarter the stories are gathered and published as an anthology.

As the chair of the Vibewire Board, I am proud of the quality and the consistency of these events – and the hard work of Annie Le Cavalier and Hala Hubraq and her team. But the most exciting part of these events is seeing some of the Vibewire interns, volunteers and workspace residents step out of the audience to share their own stories.

So now, tell me, have you had the chance to come along to a fastBREAK event? What did you think?

Innovation, Leadership and Transformation

Imagine …

You have one great customer … a shoe manufacturer. They create shoes that are worn by the world’s great athletes. I’m talking Michael Jordan. I’m talking Tiger Woods. I’m talking Serena Williams. Cathy Freeman. But there’s more. Many more. It’s like a star-studded cast of top tier athletes that are not just "at the top of their game", they are making history.

And this customer, working with these sporting icons, these star athletes, have transformed the way that we look at sport. They have transformed our own participation.

These days we treat our own fitness as if we were professionals. We spend hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars on equipment. If we have the money we can dress the part. Even if we can’t BE the part.

These brands, their ambassadors and their customers have changed the game. They have blurred the line.

Gavin speaking 2Last week – as part of the Hargraves Institute’s Innovation, Leadership and Transformation conference – I delivered a keynote address on Open Innovation: Using Social Media to Build and Maintain Momentum. I shared the approach that we are taking with the SAP Premier Customer Network – to not just think or talk about open innovation, but the concrete steps that we are putting in place to enable and facilitate it.

“Blurring the line” is a fundamental tenet of this approach and what I am increasingly calling The Social Way. Where once organisational performance was achieved through a co-opetition framework, we’re now seeing (and supporting) new models of innovation that closely resemble the social networks that we use at home, at work and in the places in-between.

It’s still early days for the programs that we have in place. But one thing is clear. We need to cling to our stories. And we need to tell them passionately and persuasively. For if we just rely only on the facts and figures, we miss out on the hearts and the minds who drive any innovation within our businesses.

The hard part with any business program is getting to the start line. Many believe that’s where the project ends – but in the social world – and the world of open innovation – the launch is the start of everyone else’s journey. And that is perhaps as it should be.

Three Things I Learned Judging the Digital AWARD Awards

A couple of months ago, I asked to sit on the Digital Panel for the Australasian Writers and Art Directors Association (AWARD) Awards. I met with with Co-Chairman of Publicis Mojo and Chairman of AWARD, Craig Davis and was fascinated to hear first-hand about where AWARDs were heading and why. As he explained to Campaign Brief:

Our mission is to champion commercial creativity and we're very ambitious about it.  We want to build far greater value into being an AWARD member.

But I was interested to see how this vision would play out in reality. What would it mean to participate on a judging panel? Would there be conflicts? How would we all deal with uneven perspectives and our own expectations? Would there be any hissy fits and who would be the first to throw down the tiara and head home? I just hoped it wouldn’t be me.

1. Great work is clearly, great work

Over two days (including a weekend) in February we all met to review and assess the short list containing around 200 pieces of content. Iain McDonald was the gracious and proactive jury chairman encouraged us all to focus on the work submitted and to fearlessly champion what we loved.

Over the course of two intense days, I came to greatly admire my fellow judges: Iain McDonald from Amnesia Razorfish, Andy DiLallo from Leo Burnett, Dave Whittle from M&C Saatchi, Tiphereth Gloria from GPY&R, Chris Gillespie from  Future Buro, Bob Mackintosh from The Jamboree, Paul Bruty from the Glue Society and Ashley Ringrose from Soap.

Everyone was able to recall the campaigns, what happened when, and what their initial reactions were. It was very clear that everyone lived and breathed this work – but perhaps, most importantly, they all took their responsibilities personally – standing up for the great work that they saw and arguing the case as appropriate.

Each of the pieces that were to be included in the AWARDS book for 2011 deserved to be there. And those that received silver or bronze awards went that step beyond. The great work stood out – and that made our job easier.

2. Be an advocate for great work

While the judges pretty-much agreed on the works which would be included in the AWARDS book, the panel is small. With nine judges in all, one vote can swing the outcome. And when one of the judges would abstain from voting on work that they were connected to, it became even more intense.

When we reviewed and re-reviewed each category and discussed the merits of the work and awarding of the “gongs”, we could often be swayed by the arguments of the other judges. Those judges who were passionate about a particular entry would put forward their views. They’d advocate their position and explain their thinking. Sometimes that meant a piece would be voted up, and sometimes it meant that a piece was voted down.

But the process was fascinating. The insights of the judges were brilliant. And sometimes that advocacy changed the way we looked at everything else.

3. Be critical but not mean

One of the mantras we followed was to “be critical but not mean”. I liked the intelligence behind this. And, particularly for an industry which lives and dies by its “creativity”, focusing on critique, analysis and advocacy meant that the works being judged were given a fair hearing.

What about you?

After spending many, many hours reviewing entries, reading submissions and watching videos, I have a new respect for those who judge awards. A lot of time, energy, focus and even creativity goes into the process. In a way, I would have loved to make this more open – where those who were involved in the creating the work were able to receive the feedback from the panel. Of course, that would bring a new level of intensity to the judging process, but quality feedback is an essential ingredient for creative growth. Getting this sort of unbiased and unvarnished feedback would be immensely valuable (even if it was confronting).

But what about you? Do these lessons resonate with you? Did you see the digital AWARDS finalists? What did you love?

I can see easily how to apply these three lessons in my everyday work:

  1. Great work: you know it when you see it. If you work on the client side, hold out for great work from your agency. Push for it. If you are on the agency side, drive your teams to deliver. Grasp the idea and drag it kicking and screaming to life.
  2. Advocate: if you have a great idea, tell the world. Tell your clients. Tell your boss. If you believe in it, don’t let others dissuade you. For agencies: don’t let your client chip away at its integrity. For client-side: articulate, cajole and win support. Sell it in.
  3. Critical, not mean: you’re in the business of communication. Use those finely honed skills to articulate what you don’t like. Or better yet, explain how you can make an idea better. When you’re mean, no one wins. You look petty and everyone else thinks your a dirtbag.

Now, it’s your turn.

What is Social Media – Looking Through the Conversation Prism

The other week I chaored the Marcus Evans: Social Media – The Way Forward conference in Sydney. The speakers were great and the audience were clearly focused on the business-end of social media. It made for a very different style of conference.

You can see the tweetstream from the conference at What The Hashtag – just create a transcript for the dates 27/02-01/03.


And while many of the conference presentations focused on Facebook or Twitter, many people asked about other social media platforms – what’s out there and what can they be used for. It’s a constantly shifting field, but I still find the Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and Jess3 to be the most compelling and easy-to-understand explanation. It’s still one of the most comprehensive ways of understanding the vast field of “social” media.


Some Events in Sydney February/March 2011

Late last year I was asked to speak on social media and innovation as part of the GE Global Leadership Education program. It was fascinating (and challenging) to be face-to-face with 50 of GE’s hand-picked future leaders – with a focus on one topic: digital strategy. But not all organisations have the ability to bring their leaders together in one room. For many of us, the closest we get are industry conferences.

Over the next month or two we’re heading into conference season here in Sydney – and there is plenty to see and do – especially for those interested in marketing, advertising and social media.

I am particularly excited to be participating in a some of these events:

  1. Social Media Marketing: The Way Forward – Feb 28 and Mar 1. I’m the “distinguished chair” for this two day conference. There’s a great client-side lineup including Chris Smith from NAB, Rupinder Toor from Dell, Vanessa Paech from Lonely Planet and Andrew Giles from Canon, backed up with Hannah Law from Switched On Media and Tiphereth Gloria from George Patterson Y & R on the agency side. This is an AMSRS and Communications Council accredited event. Come along!
  2. Circus – The Festival of Commercial Creativity – Feb 22 to Feb 25. The Communications Council is working to transform this annual event from an awards focus into a feature event for the advertising industry. They are shipping in some great keynote speakers such as Rob Campbell (W+K), Jess Greenwood (Contagious Magazine) and Josh Spear (Undercurrent). This year I am serving on the judging panel for digital AWARDs. Should be interesting!
  3. Vibewire Fastbreak – Feb 25. One of the best innovation and entrepreneurship events around. This month’s event asks “are we headed back to basics?” A great way to start your Friday.
  4. Ad:Tech Sydney – Mar 9 Mar 10. It’s a veritable feast of technology, advertising and gaming, with Brad Jakeman (Activision), Daniel Alegre (Google), Iain McDonald (Amnesia Razorfish) and Steve Patrizi (LinkedIn). I hear the two days of Ad:Tech will link in with other events to create a week of Digital Sydney Events. Sounds like fun.

But what about you? Are you attending events this year? Have you got budget/time? What’s important?

And don’t forget, you can contact me here about speaking.

Come Face to Face with Power at FastBREAK

On the last Friday of every month, Vibewire, the innovative non-profit youth organisation in conjunction with the Powerhouse Museum, showcases five young innovators at their FastBREAK events. It’s a rapid fire hour of storytelling and inspiration with a dash of networking thrown in for good measure.

Run from 7:45am – it’s a great way to end your week – and gives you just enough time to get from Ultimo into the CBD in time for work. What’s it like? Watch the video below for a taste – then book your tickets online. It’s the best $10 you’ll ever spend (and it comes with delicious pastries from the Black Star Pastry in Newtown).

The Battle for the Network Economy

Call it what you will – the social web, the network economy or any other buzz word, there is no doubt that opportunities abound for smart operators. But which opportunities? How and where should you play? This interactive map from the organisers of the Web 2.0 summit provides a bird’s eye view of the online world.


What should you look for?

Movements: Click the Movements button to see how the online “continental shift” is likely to play out. When considering your strategies, think about how those shifts will play out 12-18 months down the track

Comments: See the thoughts and suggestions of people all around the world. As always, there are some hidden gems in the comments.

Points of control: The map is titled “points of control” – but you should also consider your position from a situation of control. How will the shifts identified above impact your messaging and sense of control and how do you accommodate this organically?

Can Journalists Look at Possibilities Not Problems?

I know it is late notice, but this great event from the Emerging Leaders for Social Change is running tonight at Fairfax Media in Sydney’s Pyrmont. It features three great speakers – and will be asking the question “can journalists look at possibilities, not problems?”:

  • JAKE LYNCH – Associate Professor Jake Lynch, PhD (City University, London) is Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS) at the University of Sydney, an Executive Member of the Sydney Peace Foundation and newly elected Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association. He’s spent the past 13 years researching, developing, teaching and training in peace journalism – and practising it, as an experienced international reporter in television and newspapers.
  • BRONWEN CLUNE is a well-known media commentator and writer on the future of media and journalism. She was originally a print journalist at The West Australian, but founded her own citizen-journalism site in 2006, one of the earliest Australian experiments in online news. The site won a number of awards including international recognition through a Webby honouree for innovation in journalism. She is now a consultant to web start-ups & media on developing business models for online. She is also on the Board of the
    Public Interest Journalism Foundation.
  • NICK FAIRFAX is the Managing Director of Marinya Media Pty Ltd, which is the largest shareholder in Fairfax Media Ltd which is Australia’s largest listed media company with newspaper, magazine, internet sites and radio stations in Australia, NZ and the US. Under Nick’s direction Marinya has made recent
    investments in the K-12 Education sector and is now the largest performing arts educator in the country. Nick is also a director of Vincent Fairfax Family
    Foundation, Tickets Holdings Pty Ltd, is Chairman of Elaine Education Pty Ltd and is a member of the UTS Faculty of Business Executive Council.

It promises to be a great event, but numbers are limited to 60.

Date: Wednesday 25 August 2010
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Place: Fairfax Media Ltd, Ground Floor, 1 Darling Island Road, Pyrmont NSW 2009
RSVP: info.elsc [at]

Some Delicious SXSW Selections

Each year I promise myself that I will get to SXSW the following year. So far I have failed, and failed, and failed. And yet, each year around this time I browse the list of panels on offer and dream of attending.

But each and every year, there are more and more panels to choose from. There’s literally hundreds of sessions on offer – needing your vote to move from “good idea” to “in room C”. This year, Bud Cadell offers up a short list for your voting consideration. Take a look. If you like the sound of the session, kick in a vote. And you never know, we may just bump into each other in the corridor!

These panels are all BudApproved™ for your voting pleasure: