Stripped Bare

striptease sur scene
Originally uploaded by _boris.

There can be something wholly seductive about writing. It can be so for the writer as well as the reader.

On the writing side, you are often unsure as to where your story will go. For example, this post, can at any time, veer away from my honest intention. I am in a constant state of anticipation and determination — desiring a certain word or direction but also perilously close to letting my ideas take a new, random way. Yet when I began this post, I knew where I wanted it to go … I just don’t yet know how to get there.

The writers I admire are brave beyond measure. They write with a ferocity that seers my eyes. They tell me the truths that others would keep secret. And they share the preciousness of their world in ways that invite us all in. Some of these writers are aware of the striptease that they invite us into; others work into it, becoming aware over time; and a final group play at striptease but become too self-conscious and laugh it off. But make no mistake. There is both art and desire in all these forms.

Though I am sure he would be horrified at the suggestion, Russell Davies is a master of striptease. His ideas flirt outrageously with the front row readers of his blog, hinting at something richer, more intense and just slightly out of reach. Suddenly, with a glance to the left, another thought careers across our line of vision and we are caught watching, gaping, panting. How does he do it? How does he sustain it?

Just take a look at his long work-in-progress posts on upcoming presentations. Watch how he starts slowly, drawing us in with provocation, gentle prodding and (what is that?) a purr … there are images, juxtapositions, finely arrayed graphics and a clever smile. But at the end, we find we get MORE than we bargained for … because for Russell, it is not just the tease, it is the full strip. He willingly pares down his ideas in front of our eyes. He shows the steps necessary to make it work. He shares, generously, the experience and ingenuity that has made him a leader in his field. And he does this with good grace.

This week, Russell’s openness and community spirit was put on trial. He was stripped bare at a time and in a way that was not of his own choosing. The nakedness hurt. But it didn’t stop him posting his reaction to it. And while I understand needing to hide for a while, I hope that he is soon back … feather boas and all.

Update: I forgot that my friend, Marcus Brown, is very angry about this. And with good reason … especially if these sorts of attacks become yet another way of censoring the ideas and collaborative efforts of others.

Standing out in a sea

Santa crowd surf
Originally uploaded by gdanny.

Everyone is blogging about the new credibility offered to us all by the TIME magazine "person of the year" cover story. Mack Collier counts 1300 — which is quite a sphere of influence! But Mack also has a great post analysing and questioning the outcomes of this new found profile. Now, I don’t really want to contribute to this debate as there is plenty already out there

But Tara over at HorsePigCow has an article that runs in parallel to this. She is talking about "getting in front of a parade", and while her post has a slightly different focus, this rang a bell for me in relation to TIME.

Indeed, it was the first few questions that Tara herself asked:

What does it mean to get in front of a parade? Why not just join in? Why not just watch from the sidelines, trying to understand the meaning of the march?

This is what TIME has done. They don’t seek to know or understand or really ENGAGE in social media — at this stage they do not need to. They are just providing some navigation aids for an audience who need it while having some blog love rub off on THEM at the same time. What that means is that TIME can stand out in that sea of red.

OK … I loved this photo and couldn’t resist using it!


Originally uploaded by marlenells.

Ideas circulate on the blogosphere with a ferocity that can surprise us all. Often our response or reaction can be immediate and visceral … while at other times we need a little longer to reflect on what we read, see or hear.

This week I watched a video that made me pause for thought. This piece of user generated content had confounded me, and I did not know where to look.

I knew that I needed to give this more consideration. And as I returned to this piece in the following days, I began to realise that there was a very deep question at the very heart of this topic — what is authenticity — and how and who is the judge?

My musings on this will be submitted to MarketingProfs … should make for an interesting discussion!


UGC — Be Afraid

When you open the door to user generated content, you never REALLY know where it will take you. You are bound to end up with uneven quality, strange interpretation and even outstanding, creative work.

one bank on Vimeo

At first I thought this video was funny and sent it around to a couple of friends. But about half-way through I started to feel a little squeemish. Mike Wagner talks a lot about owning the brand, and there is no doubt that these guys are sitting right there in the corner pocket. But Ariel also raises some interesting questions about culture pollution.

Does this sort of work add value to a brand, or bring brands closer to our own daily experiences? Can these efforts start a mexican wave of emotion that ripples throughout a company? This has certainly made my brain fire … and I don’t yet know what I think of it. But I HAVE had a reaction to it … I am just lost for words.


Old Hat

old hat on magenta
Originally uploaded by zen♫.

John Moore over at Brand Autopsy has a great post that includes a powerpoint presentation. There are 60 slides, but you can flick through pretty quickly … but I got to about slide 22 and stopped.

Slide 22 has a quote by Guy Kawasaki:

It is better to hire people who can get you where you want to be than people who profess to have been there before.

There seems to be a smattering of posts on similar topics … each talking about resumes, blogs and power of authenticity. It is funny, when you are looking at other people’s CVs you are looking at a snapshot. And whenever I am reading one, I am always looking for something that stands out, something that tells me that I could work with this person — sometimes it could be job choice, sometimes unusual hobbies.

The thing is, CVs are horribly imprecise … and interviews are not much better. BUT face-to-face I can tell in seconds whether I can work with someone. This was a great skill when I was directing plays and faced massive casting calls. I have never really been able to quantify it … but I do rely on it — even if it is a bit spooky. Happy Halloween!


Coffee Morning Sydney

Originally uploaded by E Welthorpe.

I must admit to feeling rather envious of those who live close enough to be able to make it to Russell’s regular coffee mornings. So I was very pleased to be able to join up with a couple of other locals last Friday.

Blogging can be a very solitary activity … especially in the early days when it is unclear whether anyone is reading your writing (and even then, when you think they are … why are there no comments?). Also, in reading blogs, you begin to build up a sense of the writer without the blindness of meeting — if you are careful, you can read between the lines, get a sense of their history and process of thinking and also see who they respect, admire or (even) dislike. In this way you are able to get a sense of who your blog buddies are before you meet them in person (and hey, sometimes we never get to meet).

It is interesting, that much of what passes for "authenticity" online, is directly based on never having met. I think it is something to do with the way that we listen/read blogs. It is also linked very closely with action — we are judged not ONLY by what we say/write, but by the promises we make and whether we follow through on them. And on the web … it is relatively easy to find out whether you DO as you SAY.

So actually turning up to a coffee morning can be more nerve wracking than making your first comment on Russell’s blog. Well perhaps NOT nerve wracking … but strange. To start with … what do bloggers look like? Then … what will we talk about? Will we all get along? What happens next? Will more people come next time?

As I said here, we did have a pretty good time … some great conversation, some ideas … a little of basic getting to know you. But there were a few suggestions that sounded really good — like performance blogging (thanks to Sebastian) and the challenges of creative teamwork in Sydney (again thanks Sebastian).

NEXT WEEK (3 November) will be the next coffee morning in Sydney — and all are invited to come along. This time I promise to take my own photos (and business cards). I think Vando nominated The Lounge in Milsons Point — I will need to track it down and confirm.

Danger ahead

I have not used a street sign for a while … and saw this and loved it.

There have been a few dangerous blog posts circulating over the past week — merging the personal and political agendas of some of my favourite bloggers. Interestingly it has generated a LOT of discussion and debate … and shown that we really are a passionate bunch.

It has been a great, exciting but quite exhausting week (see yesterday’s post). I am sure that there is more to come … and there is blog debt still to pay. Oh … and I think I also owe Mike Sansone a big thank you for suggesting one of my posts for his Whistle Stop discussions.

CK among the pigeons

Cat among the pigeons
Originally uploaded by Dan65.

I knew it was going to be a busy day when went to get my Daily Fix and saw CK’s featured post. My first thought was "how do I respond"? It was a passionate and strident article on the portrayal of women in the media and the effect it has on our body image. If you have not read it, I encourage you to do so!

Then I ventured over to CK’s blog and found yet ANOTHER article laying it on the line — this time about Darfur and the humanitarian crisis unfolding there. Oooh, I thought … CK’s on fire! Can my brain keep up?

I flipped back to The Fix … but there was plenty in the post that I needed to digest. I wanted to wait and see what thoughts came up during the day. So then I went back later and there were some GREAT comments — if you are reading the post, take some extra time to read the comments, because there are some excellent additional insights and personal anecdotes that help to illustrate exactly what CK is talking about.

One of the points that I really liked was Tim Jackson’s comments on the challenges in changing behaviours and opinions:

I’m one of the biggest dreamers you’ll ever encounter and even I don’t believe we can change the world that much… but I’m still gonna try.

But it made me think … if some of the best marketing and communications professionals around can’t effect some change in areas that we consider important, then who can? Some of the best advertising and creative work I have seen has been done for pro bono clients … and it seems to me that there is a DIRECT connection between passionate creative commitment to a cause and the quality of the work. The YouTube of this struck me like an axe.

Really, we need more of those axes. Great stuff, CK!


Authentic Beauty

You have probably all seen this video by now … it is getting massive play on YouTube. It shows how the standard processes that agencies use turn a "person" into a "model". Interestingly, the entire brand spirit/promise that has been articulated by Dove focuses around a sense of authenticity — or reality. So how does this type of expose affect our viewing of the brand? I am guessing that it won’t have a significant detrimental effect.

It reminds me of the difference between reality and performance — where a performance is only understood by its audience as "real" when it is larger in articulation both physically and emotionally. Actors and performers also use techniques to appear "real" … they over articulate words to make them sound clear, they extend their movements so that they appear "lifelike" and they apply makeup to help express emotion and engage with the audience. The importance is in articulating the story to your audience … the telling is part technique and part art.

Thanks to Stan for the link.