Life is For Sharing

Paul McEnany has a nice writeup of this fun flash-mob style piece of advertising. I would have loved to be there. In fact … I would love to see something similar here in Australia.

7 thoughts on “Life is For Sharing

  1. I wasn’t all that impressed, I think it was the venue that threw me as it’s been done at lease twice before (minus the dancing), it would have been great to see this in a unique location – Airport? Pit Street in Sydney if they did it here? Now that would turn heads!
    Ps. I’ve just added you to my new blogs footer/blogroll – appreciate the effort you put into this blog, it a great read every time.

  2. I think it’s a cool idea. It actually got me to sit through 2-1/2 minutes to find out who/what the ad was about. Once you see it, though, it’s too long for most people to repeat view it, I think. But obviously, it’s gone viral.
    I saw something like this happening at Grand Central Terminal in New York about a month ago, although there was nowhere near the level of participation shown in this clip, which I’m sure was staged. At Grand Central, it could have been a street theater group, but it did draw a crowd even during rush hour, and I think some spectators joined in. I never found out exactly what it was about — an ad, experiential advertising, or just a live art project.

  3. fyi 50 of the ‘participants’ were hired pro dancers around 250 were auditioned semi pros plus about 50 genuine punters.

  4. Thanks, Aden. Ah, the old problem of originality 😉 I would love to see someone do this type of thing here … Pitt Street Mall would be good, and easy to shoot. Or Federation Square?

  5. Agree … it is a bit long. Finding that balance is the challenge, I guess. But I do love the storytelling angle that is possible with this sort of thing – as long as that is pushed and not just lost (as in your example).

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