A while back, Ian Kath and I got together for a chat. He is an interesting fellow and has a true curiosity for the people that he meets – which is just as well, as he produces the YourStoryPodcast series.
His website and iTunes catalogue now contains well over thirty podcasts and covers meetings with people from all over the world. In this podcast, Ian meets with the women behind the Hidden Europe magazine in a cafe in Berlin; while a little closer to home, Ian talks with Andrew Leavold about odd and eccentric DVDs and video recordings. One of my favourite interviews, however, was with Mel Poudroux who shares her personal story and discusses, along the way, tattoos, scarification and what it means to be normal in an abnormal world.
Most recently, Ian took time out from his Sydney trip to talk to me about social media, marketing, innovation and social judgement. Hope you enjoy it. I did.
Thanks for being part of the Show Gavin.
In producing and editing it I’ve listened to it three times additional to our recording and each time I get more information that you shared with us. It now one of my all time favourite episodes.
And NO! I don’t say that to all the people who come on Your Story.
I look forward to catching another coffee with you at Single Origin next time I’m in Sydney Town. Thanks 🙂
It was excellent fun, thanks for having me on your show!