Get Some Kindling with Your Chaos

SoCKindle In an interesting move, Amazon have now made it possible to publish your blog direct to the latest Kindle device.

All you need to do is sign-up as a Kindle publisher (and yes, it is ANOTHER new and separate Amazon account), supply your RSS feed details and a picture of your blog, and off you go (well, really, just wait 24-48 hours).

So, if you happen to have a Kindle and want your regular dose of chaos, you can do so by subscribing here. Apparently I get to keep about 60c of the $2 subscription charge – which, when converted is worth about 1000 Australian dollars 😉

Now, all I need is about 500 Kindle subscribers and I may be able to buy myself a Kindle too!

But all joking aside, this is another interesting play into the consumer generated distribution space by Amazon. Some of the big publishers could learn from their clever strategy.

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