Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

The last week seems to have been introspective – a looking back rather than looking forward. And also a sense of pausing before the next onward push. Maybe it is to do with the (now) Chinese Year of the Snake. Or maybe it’s just a collective deep breath. Either way, these five must-read posts from last week go deep. Take a snorkel. And a box of tissues.

  1. In this busy world, rather than rushing to do, sometimes we need to take time out, disconnect from the world and reconnect with our sense of purpose. Anne Lise Kjaer says we need Time to Think.
  2. Often when we think about marketing strategy, we think about “touch points”. But what does it mean to really touch someone? What does it mean to break through their senses and change someone’s life? Theo Priestley reminds us that the customer experience IS the journey
  3. A powerful, personal story by Alexander Ross Charchar on the colours of grief
  4. Our dreams can take us on unexpected journeys – they can feel real and sometimes even more than real. But how would you describe the night you met Tom Waits?
  5. Marketing may be the art of stimulating desire – but it’s heart taps profoundly human characteristics. Sometimes we have to look behind the scenery.