Good Sunday Reading

It looks like Sundays are becoming my blog reading night (sorry Russell, but this is another late night activity). I have happily found a heap of new sites as well as plenty of great reading at those I have on my blog roll. There is the user guide to Open Space Technology that Chris Corrigan and Johnnie Moore are so enamoured with (thought I would finally give up my resistance and take a look), one of my new favourite blogs by Mike Wagner and this thought provoking piece by Russell Davies on the future of media.

Russell follows this on with a link to marktd. What a great concept! Submit your own articles, or those of others you find interesting … and the articles will be marked (ranked) by marketing professionals all around the world. Cool … now that is loving the hypertext.

Oh … and just following the hypertext over at marktd … and found this. Not a bad wrap up of global creative work each friday.