Innovation at Google

Chuck Frey over at Innovation Weblog consistently publishes thought provoking articles, hosts discussions on the topic of innovation and points us all to presentations, books, articles and videos by leading innovators. He has a great summary of a video on innovation at Google … with links through to the video of Marissa Mayer’s seminar at Stamford.
It is a great video if you have 50 minutes or so to spare. But if you don’t, check out Chuck’s summary of the 9 principles of innovation at Google.
Take a look at Chuck’s list and let me know your favourite … mine is "Creativity loves constraints".

2 thoughts on “Innovation at Google

  1. “It is a great video if you have 50 minutes or so to spare. But if you don’t, check out Chuck’s summary of the 9 principles of innovation at Google.”
    Well, ufnortunately, fast internet is still not available in many parts of Asia and that is why 50 minutes of video will take a long long time to download.

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