I had just finished writing a post on blog debt when Typepad kicked me out! It was filled with witty references to all the great posts I had read over the last few weeks but not had time to respond to by comment or post. It described part of my pleasant day today, far away from the office, my phone and email. But now it is all lost. Well almost all … here is the stuff that I have loved:
Russell Davies’ Post of the Month — Quick only hours to get your nomination in!
Death of Citizen Marketing — My nomination for post of the month — got to love the passion, writing and attitude!
The prolific Mr Armano’s efforts — he continues to put us all to shame with his insight, "intuitive impression" and generosity
Ann Handley’s great post called Dumb is the New Smart — and I know Ann I probably owe you an article too, but hope this sign will suffice for now
The Staufenberger’s rash of new posts filled with thought provoking ideas and links (thanks for the church sign above)
Hope you enjoy these if you have not read them yet. Do I feel better? Well maybe a little … but blog debt seems to be a common experience. Now it’s time to rest!
Blog debt is a beautiful thing, my friend.
And that happened to me a couple weeks ago. Spent a couple of hours on a post, got all the links together, and then, Poof, gone.
What a beating!
Gavin, ugh the same thing happened to me (Typepad). Now I save in draft format every few minutes.
Great picture. And please do rest my friend. Take this advice from someone who’s dealing with a hernaited disc. 🙂
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I had read over the last few weeks but not had time to respond to by comment it’s very Interesting.
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