A New Way to Procrastinate

Originally uploaded by violet.blue.

Around semester’s end at university we all got some good house cleaning done. Even in a share house of stinky boys (them not me ;)) the urge to clean was greater than the urge to study/write essays. It doesn’t quite get that bad when you are working on pitches for clients … and certainly blogging can become a pure form of procrastination that becomes more addictive as the deadline nears …

And while procrastination can take many forms, I had never considered taking portraits of myself in my underwear. Ariel claims that "self portrait strip tease" is a common practice for ladies — but I was wondering whether it was something guys do. It brings a whole new level of double entendre to AgencyWorld’s tendency to work on late night proposals — just so long as some of those "procrastination" shots don’t end up in the pitch documents.

Oh, and Ariel also points to this Flickr set by Violet Blue, for more procrastination shots.

7 thoughts on “A New Way to Procrastinate

  1. It’s funny that no ladies have commented on this yet. I can see why tho–I hesitated to comment, because I didn’t want to shatter Gavin’s (and the other males) fantasy that the “self portrait strip tease” is a common practice for ladies.
    That would be like telling a little kid that there is no Santa ;-), so I’ll just say…
    Whenever I read Servant Of Chaos, I don a black teddy and stilleto heals and snap photos of myself.

  2. Getting Lucky on Your Way to the Top

    The choice of photo for this post was inspired by Gavin’s post about procrastination over at Servant of Chaos. I think we should all try to work images of strip teases into our blogs as often as we can ;-). Perhaps this could be a new meme…You tag 5 …

  3. Ha! Pretty soon you’ll have to put a “Must be over 18 to enter” security thing on your blog (kidding!)
    I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the new strip tease meme! I’m sure it’ll spread like wildfire across the blogosphere (or not!).
    Seth Godin should be picking it up any time now…;-)
    And I think Paul and Clay should take part in it too. Especially Paul.

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