The Road Ahead

Originally uploaded by .michaelchung.

There have been plenty of milestones over the last couple of weeks. Mack and his Viral Garden turned one as did the astounding MarketingProfs, the mysterious Mindblob returned from his southern hemisphere sojourn and Lewis began injecting more … well, more Lewis, into his blog.

CK hosted a gang of bloggers in NYC, and many of us fell head over heels for Twitter. David Armano unexpectedly morphed into a marsupial, Paul copped some heat on a YouTube post, Tim travelled, returned and travelled again to Taiwan and Cam continued to pump out quality, thought provoking posts that kept us all on the edge of our keyboards. And speaking of anticipation, Sacrum whets our appetite with a sneak peak of an upcoming eBook (see the preview and watch the YouTube video).

There was also the dreadful Kathry Sierra incident, its aftermath, and the excuses, explanations and refusals.

On a more personal blogging note, I unexpectedly reached two milestones today. Just after e-mailing Valeria Maltoni explaining that my goal had not been reached, I found that it had — 500 inbound blog links over the last 180 days. (Thanks to all who link and inspire me.) Also … the 1000th comment — and a big thanks to Drew McLellan for that!

And while much has happened, already we can see the road stretching out in front of us. While I don’t know where it will take us, I know that there is no better group of people that I would like to journey with.

14 thoughts on “The Road Ahead

  1. I’m pulling for you to crack Mack’s 25, too. I sooo hope you enter next week. The list feels off otherwise (as I said at his place).

  2. You deserve nothing but the best Gavin – a true servant of chaos. You continue to place others before yourself. Congratulations on 1000 comments! Zounds!

  3. Gavin,
    You were the one to once write about being touched by great story telling. Now, wow!, look at this one! It is like a breeze of positive and fresh air to breathe (like so many of your posts actually). Congrats for the 1000th comment… you deserve many, many more.
    I see the road here, I see you pointing it. And you know what? The answer is loud and clear : “Yes.. let’s go my friend!” : )

  4. Kickass! Wait, are we still able to talk now that you’re an a-lister? Does that mean you’ll be hanging out with Scoble and Rubel now?
    I kid, of course. Congratulations, Gavin. You’re constantly full of brilliant stuff, so it’s no wonder your blog continues to grow.
    Thanks for kicking ass!

  5. Gavin,
    Part of the fun is not knowing where the road will lead. But knowing that you are traveling it with friends.
    I’ll walk that road with you any time! I’m thrilled to be one of your milestones!

  6. Now you’re officially an A-Lister! Congrats! BTW I spot about 3 other A-Listers just in these comments, and a couple that are almost there as well.
    Who says community doesn’t pay?!?

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