Banner Ad Boogie

Banner Ad for Salsa Closet
Originally uploaded by viyaunlimited.

I may be in the minority, but I don’t mind banner ads. As I flip from site to site I even go so far as to check out what is happening in the banners … is there something funky, clever or over the top? How are the messages and media integrating? What does the landing page look like? Especially important to me is whether there is a story linking banner, landing and destination.

Of course, banners are a challenging form. They require very small file sizes and advertisers want to jam as much communication in as possible. And despite the fact that I actively seek out banner ads, my brain often overrides this and makes them invisible. I find this fascinating — it is like my brain has installed its own TiVo — the banners are there, no doubt — but they simply do not register.

In the ongoing battle for consumers online attention, new technologies such as pointroll have emerged as leading players in delivering rich media banners. There are a couple of reasons for this — the rich media interactions available through pointroll can turn an interruption into an opt-in engagment, the creative can be surprisingly good and they are still novel. But more compellingly, pointroll have turned the concept of measurement on its head — redefining the role and potential for banner ads in the media mix — moving away from simplistic measures such as "hits" or "impressions" and looking at "brand engagement" and "interaction rates". (Matt Dickman has a great answer to Mark Goren’s Question a Day on the topic of interaction rates for rich media advertising … be sure to check it out!).

I continue to believe that those of us involved in social media need to take a leaf out of the pointroll book and develop new metrics for what is, essentially, a new form of brand engagement. Technorati, Alexa and so on are great from an aggregation point of view, but they still fly too high. We all know that blogs and banners are doing a nice little dance for consumers … but when it comes to your brand — you really want to know whether you are dancing a waltz or a salsa.

5 thoughts on “Banner Ad Boogie

  1. Excellent! Very true… very true. Thanks for continuing to raise the bar and make us all work a little harder.
    Hope the book isn’t making you crazy (crazier?) yet.

  2. Gavin, your point about “waltz or salsa” is interesting because I find that the most annoying banners always seem to have “dancing” in them. Whether it’s shadow figures doing some sort of unison choreographed move, or girls with headphones who supposedly don’t know the camera’s there til they turn around and act all shocked and embarrassed, I find myself completely turned off to whatever’s being advertised and yet, unable to look away! LOL Alright, going to check out Pointroll now. (And PS – thanks for all the work you’re doing for the book project! I know it’s gotta be time consuming!) ~ Janet

  3. Tim … I am sure that none of us wants to work any harder! If only we could work smarter too! (Hmmm got to try that for myself!)
    Janet … I know what you mean — sometimes that good creative approach can suck me right in!

  4. Dead on, Gavin. It’s not enough to know that someone has seen the work, how they interacted with it is far more valuable.
    Matt really struck a nerve with his answer, glad he was able to help out!

  5. Gavin — I love what you said about your brain acting like Tivo. I do the same thing. I look for ads because they interest me, but when I get focused they almost disappear. There is so much un-tapped potential in online ads to be hyper relevant, local and personal.
    Pointroll’s metrics are helping move companies, I feel, to create more customized ads. If you’re going to spend the time to create a message, why not really engage people and keep them exposed to your brand as long as possible?
    Every now and then I see an ad that is focused to the content I am looking at and is local to me here in Cleveland and I think “Wow, people are finally getting this.” Then I see a Punch the Monkey ad and I go back to dreaming of high interaction rates.

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