Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week

time to graduateAs we start to bask in the long shadow of the calendar year, many people begin to look to their futures. For the aspiring graduate, that means internships, the first job and kick starting a career. For others it’s about life, family and even career change. Does this sound like you? If so, these five must-reads from last week will be right up your alley!

  1. Julian Cole shares some tips on just how to land yourself an internship.
  2. Zac Martin, freshly minted himself, suggests that blogs are the way to go – at least for some of us.
  3. Matt Granfield reminds us that for every job in marketing/advertising/social media there are thousands of graduates. How do you stand out from the crowd? Take a look at his 10 step process for getting a job in social media.
  4. Alan Jones talks work and life balance and shares seven steps to finding your dream job.
  5. And if you are wondering whether it is time for a new job, you might want to take Ellen Weber’s Workplace Wellness test and see how your place of employment stacks up.