Are you new to social media? Does it feel confusing? Fast? Alien?
When you step into the social media world, you certainly are entering a new domain and a new way of understanding the way that we PARTICIPATE in our local and global communities. I don’t mean the veiled participation of global democracies. I mean, real me-and-you participation … working together to CHANGE what already is into something we WANT it to be.
This is a fundamental change in the role of the individual. It is tribal, but tribal by association. We can choose where we belong. We can mark ourselves as participants simply by doing … and indeed, one of the hallmarks of social media is the collapsing of thought and action. In this brave new world, words (while powerful) fade in comparison to actions. Our measurement, our worth, our standing in the world is determined not by what we write, but by what we do. And Blog Action Day is a great example.
October 15 is Blog Action Day, a non-profit event that aims for mass participation around a single theme. This year, the focus is on poverty and there is much that you can do to raise awareness and contribute to this global movement:
- You can make a loan and change a life by investing in an entrepreneur’s business through Kiva
- Visit, register and contribute to the movement by writing a blog post
- Read other Blog Action Day posts, comment on them and help build momentum
But if you are closer to Sydney and you want to make a tangible difference to the lives of others, consider attending the Article Thirty-Nine Concert in Sydney next month. Tickets are now available, and there are some great bands donating their time and talent in support of child soldiers.