Some time ago, Mario Vellandi went to the effort of attending the Sustainable Brands 08 conference, capturing some video, commenting on it and then uploading the material from each session for all to see. I have only just been able to begin looking at this treasure trove. Unfortunately, most of the videos have been removed … but you can still see Mario’s bullet points on the presentations.
High on my list of priorities are:
- This panel on the greening of traditional media
- Big Green Purse – Diane MacEachern
- Green Marketing – Jacquelyn Ottoman
Hi Gavin,
I spoke with the conference company on Friday and I’ll be adding titling & branding to selected videos that are fit for official affiliation, and sending it to them for review (and consideration for their own further distribution). I’ve selected about 18 so far; we’ll see what makes the cut.
Had stressed to them that a solid multimedia strategy is good for all parties (including sponsors if they’re integrated). But most important is the user experience of having supplementary material, and for the educational community to have something so valuable. Lastly I recommended they use either or Brightcove as a provider for future events.