One of the things that I like about social media is that it compresses the time between thought and action. As soon as you think of an idea, you can test it with an audience.
Take Age of Conversation, for example. With this book, we went from a concept to having 103 authors from 12 countries in about three weeks. And two and a half months later we had books available for purchase.
And if you thought that was amazing … one of the most compelling aspects of this is that all of the 103 authors committed their time, their thinking and their expertise for FREE. That’s right, everyone signed away any rights to royalties — in the name of charity. For every sale, ALL profits go to Variety, the Children’s Charity. This means that for a single purchase, you not only get some great thinking — you are also making positive difference in a child’s life. The story doesn’t get better than that!
What you can do …
We are currently doing a push (a "bum rush") on the Amazon charts. We aim to garner online attention to generate more sales and reach a wider audience. You can help by purchasing a copy here. You can also write a review, blog about the book and our efforts, and tell your friends. Please, tell your friends — or better yet, buy one for them.
Right now we have just cracked the Top 300 books and Top 40 for "business books". Every time you buy (one at a time please), you push us a little further — and help Variety help more kids.