Well, it has been a very big week. There have been lot of ideas filling my brain and, as always, there is plenty of work to do. All this means, of course, that my blog debt has been racking up. So while I normally dislike writing link-style posts, I really have no choice this week. Here goes:
- John Grant’s new book, the Green Marketing Manifesto launched to rave reviews. Get your copy on Amazon.
- New friends on Facebook — Maria Sokolova, Jasmin Tragas and Ariel Waldman (happy birthday, Ariel)
- Had a great time presenting on the Business of Web 2.0 at Macquarie Graduate School of Management
- Agreed with Mack Collier on the disappointing ham fist (or is it cold turkey?) AdAge has made of Todd And’s Power 150
- Closed off the So, You Think You Can Market competition … with Casey Degon coming up trumps
- Started working on the next Eat.Sleep.Blog with Sean and Paul (plus special guest) — just need to wait for Kaltura to stop overwriting everything we do!
- Heard from an old friend, made a new one and connected with a new CSR cause
- Looking forward to InterestingSouth next week
thanks, its really sweet of you to mention the book
on the adage150 debate, I got them to take brandtarot off which actually was in Todd’s 150 originally (because it closed some six months ago) and put greenormal on. I actually havent displayed the badge because while it’s small in a good way (grassrootsy, in actually knowing half these folk & want to know the rest) its pretty naff to host a badge telling the world you are 279th out of 150. It’s a bit like that bit in Meet the Fockers with the (non) trophy collection his parents have kept. This is the world’s premier branding magazine, you’d have thought they’d have wondered about what to best call this thing. :J