With Blog Action Day almost upon us, I took a look at the large number of online resources available to those who are keen to support this global initiative. And it just so happened that I found this site — AdoptTheSky.org who are petitioning the US Environmental Protection Agency over air quality. And as a former asthma sufferer, I fully support any initiative that is going to help thousands of people breathe easier.
One of the cool things about this site is that it automatically registers your name against a mile of US air space. I ended up somewhere over Illinois … and found that there are almost a million adults and kids who suffer from asthma in that state. That is almost a million people who daily battle to get enough oxygen into their lungs … who worry about being caught without their inhaler … or who live the constant threat of hospitalisation. As part of Blog Action Day, make sure you drop by and sign up. It will make us all breathe a little easier.