Noel Hidalgo (obviously a Gemini) is on an open source journey. Literally. He is travelling the world and documenting it via social media as he goes. Interestingly he is actually MEETING up with the people that he has been in contact with via the web.
As he says on his site:
for seven months, he will traverse the seven continents, dive into the seven oceans, and attempt to visit the seven ancient wonders of the world. using a new media voodo (blog, vlog, wiki, flickr, couchsurfing, twitter, myspace, dopplr, and facebook), noneck will harness the collective knowledge of the globe, and report weekly on seven topics of freedom. Before he leaves, he is fundraising US$11.11 from 700 global residents.
To help fund this, you can donate $11.11 directly from his site. In return you will also receive a self published children’s book incorporating the lessons learned from his travels. At the moment he is out of funds in India … so if you want to see the story continue, drop by and kick-in.
thanks so much for the shout out!!!