Oh Those Russians!

Boney M
Originally uploaded by architekt2

Are you up for a bit of web fun?

The effervescent Marcus Brown has thrown down the gauntlet to the Northern Planner, pitting Boney M against The Smiths in a do-or-die three round voting extravaganza.

"There is NO contest I hear you say!"

I agree … surely spangly disco is going to win out over dark, poetic narcissism? (oh, wait, this is the ADVERSTISING industry isn’t it?)

But to win, we will need help. You help. There will be voting and there will be research required. There are three rounds:
Round 1: Best Album artwork: (Sunday 9th – Thursday 13th)
Round 2: Best Music: (Sunday 16th – Thursday 20th)
Round 3: Culture influence beyond the band: (Sunday 23rd – Thursday 27th)
We need to find the best examples, the most innovative choices and we obviously need your votes and your help. If you want to be involved in this global campaign, drop me a note or leave a comment.

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