8 Random Things About Me

Ling 8
Originally uploaded by vertigini76

Ryan tagged me on the 8 random things meme, so here they are:

  1. I have always loved cars and motorbikes. (Actually boats too.) I have owned a string of motorbikes on and off since I was in my teens … and in my early 20s spent every weekend touring around the Australian countryside. There truly is something wild about one’s state of being whilst riding.
  2. I also love storms. As a teenager I was fascinated by storms and at the first hint of rough weather I would head out into the lake near my home or to the beach to watch the fury of nature. Brilliant. Scary. Like life.
  3. When I first left school I worked as a trainee accountant and studied at night time.
  4. I used to be quite an avid rockclimber. Then, a few years ago, I visited one of my favourite climbing venues only to find that I was quite frightened of looking down.
  5. My most nervous blogging moment was just before leaving my first comment on Russell Davies’ blog.
  6. I would like to think that I am as good looking as Luc.
  7. I still like to listen to Michael Jackson’s music, especially the songs by the Jackson 5, but always wonder what happened to that little boy.
  8. Biggest blogging high was receiving a comment from Johnnie Moore.

7 thoughts on “8 Random Things About Me

  1. ROFL ! ! !
    Gavin… I was gently reading your post, line by line, and you got me laugh so loud that I probably woke up the neighbors!
    Thanks for the honor. I’m blushing green (yes, remember… Alien inside!)

  2. Well, I do think that Luc and you are brilliant looking blokes. But, in order for me to run a fair-and-objective assessment, I will have to meet you. Yes, that’s what needs to happen.
    So, when can you come to NYC?
    I’ll be awaiting you dashing, handsome blogger with so much heart ;-).

  3. Johnnie Moore works a lot with James Cherkof if memory serves. Small world – I used to work with Cherkof in London many years ago.
    As for your Russell Davies comment, where would the advertising/marketing blogosphere be without him?

  4. I read your random 8 a couple days ago and forgot to post my comment! Bad Ryan!
    I actually developed a fear of heights as well, a fear that I never had growing up. It’s kind of a frustrating phobia… last time I was in Paris I couldn’t even climb the Eiffel Tower. Makes siteseeing kind of dull, in my opinion. We should go skydiving to overcome it, whatdya say?

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