Blog Fantasy

Originally uploaded by davidreid.

When I was in China last year I was introduced to the world of CosPlay. It is an entire subculture that began in Japan, built around the heroes and characters from video games. Not only do CosPlayers dress up like their favourite characters, they also re-enact scenes from games or create their own storylines based on the characters.

It is fascinating … here was an amazing subculture, thriving, and it had never even crossed my radar! It goes to show that no matter how "engaged" with the world you think you are, there are always more variations, more alternatives and new adventures in life to discover. But while this appeared to me to be something of a fantasy, for many of the CosPlayers it was much more … it was a way of life. Sounds like there are some intersections with blogging.

My friend, Sharon Sarmiento has entered Darren Rowse’s group writing project that requires you to write a top 5. And with her usual passion and precision, Sharon writes up her Top 5 Blog Fantasies. And while I don’t know if she did this while wearing her favourite CosPlay outfit, I know I always get MY inspiration while doing so!

New Google Analytics Dashboard

google anaylitcs dashboard
Originally uploaded by servantofchaos.

They say that knowledge is power, but it is never moreso than in the world of web analytics. Even in its most basic format, web analytics or even web counters can provide you with a decent level of traffic or visitation information …

Google has, for some time, been providing free access to its analytics system. This system provides enterprise level analytical data and links simply and easily with some of the other Google products such as AdWords or AdSense.

In an on-going effort to take over the world (while insisting on doing no evil), the Google folks have announced a revamp of the Analytics offering. As Meg reports, the new interface provides a host of new features including customised reporting/dashboards and enhanced trend/reporting.

From a quick look at the improvements to the integrated marketing analysis elements I was impressed. There are improvements around the "time with brand" type measurements, greater use of graphical analysis, better contextual help and more emphasis on linking campaigns to ecommerce results. I also like the way that that the world maps now have clickable heat maps showing the geographical locations of your visitors …

Now all I need to do is to design my own range of Servant of Chaos apparel and the world will be mine!

Is Your Media Plan a Disaster?

Disaster Plan
Originally uploaded by TaranRampersad.

One of the best things about Twitter is the instantaneous sharing of ideas/links. And while I know there has been some discussion around Twitter hitting a plateau, I still have a suspicion that there is unrealised potential in it as a platform.

Be that as it may, my personal Twitter usage has dropped off. The unreliability of service is a major factor … but today when I logged on for the first time in days there was an immediate payoff. David Armano had broadcast this link to an intriguingly titled post "How to Completely Screw Up Interactive Media Planning" by Rohit Bhargava.

In this post, Rohit covers some of the pitfalls (or should I say shortfalls) of interactive media planning. One of my personal bugbears is that there are many planning agencies who pay lip service to digital/social networks while continuing to plough money into MSM buys. The cost of MSM involvement in terms of budget and attention is significant and many marketing directors and brand managers simply do not have the personal bandwidth to assess, manage or test non-traditional media tools — but the opportunity cost directly impacts BRAND INNOVATION.

In my view, social media or even an INTEGRATED media plan can provide a framework for brand innovation that can help reinvent or reposition the contact between brands and consumers. This is why I feel that interactive and social media is an exciting place to play … and work. So if your media plan is looking like a disaster, take a step back, hive off 5% and do an experiment. The results will AMAZE you!

Update: Drew McLellan has a great post about David Meerman Scott’s upcoming book — The New Rules of Marketing and PR (publishes in June). The potential for PR to "change the game" is significant — especially given the tools that allow us to turn strategy into executions. Of course, the same applies to ANY agency … fun times ahead!

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity Day 2
Originally uploaded by tukanuk.

Ever wanted to see your money grow before your very eyes? Well here is one way …

By contributing to this fundraising effort in the name of our dear friend, CK’s mother, Sandra Kerley, you will be helping a great charity and positively creating change in other people’s lives.

This donation page has been setup by Cam Beck and all donations will go directly to Habitat for Humanity. You can donate as little as $2 … and every dollar counts!

Grid Me

Grid lock
Originally uploaded by LawrenceGarwood.

I remember feeling a little bit freaked AND excited when I got the opportunity to design a book. I had always complained about the designs that I had seen, but had never actually been responsible for creating a design from scratch … so I had to learn a lot very quickly. Luckily the editor that I replaced had left some great textbooks … and these introduced me to the ubiquitous grid.

Although it is much maligned, the grid is an invaluable tool for designers … and even more useful for NON-designers. It can provide non-designers with good insight into the methods and techniques that designers can employ to create spatial relationships between visual objects. And this great PDF by Mark Boulton and Khoi Vin brings my love of the grid right back into focus.

Tip of the hat to Lawrence Ardelean over at Three Minds @ Organic.

Magazines for Pleasure

I read online a lot … eventhough I know this sometimes means my retention will be lower. It is easier, convenient but also very much part of my personal information and self learning process. Obviously there are plenty of blogs on my reading list … but when it comes to pure pleasure, there is something quite unlike a fresh, strong, black coffee and a good magazine. Robyn McMaster tagged me for a magazine reading meme, so here is a list of my favourite mags!

Amcn I have been reading Australian Motor Cycle News magazine for years … ever since I bought my first motorbike I have kept up with the latest "must have" bikes. These days I mostly read it to check the road tests of all the bikes that I no longer have much interest in acquiring (my wrists just can’t take the pressure anymore).

I particularly like the longer articles where series of bikes are taken away for a week’s touring along the Australian coastline. Or inland. Or anywhere — there really is something about riding a bike and a sense of freedom!

Sydneymag Another magazine that I like to read from time to time is the Sydney Magazine. As a Sydney-sider, we all tend to become a little self-obsessed — with ourselves, our blogs, our jobs, our homes, our families, our lives. Oh … is anyone still reading this?

Apart from having some great stories, high production values and a certain style, it is edited by an old friend of mine (who I have not seen in years) and feels like a weird way of keeping in touch.

But, that is about it. Magazines are great … but make only rare appearances in my world! Same with newspapers (sorry Bob).

Banner Ad Boogie

Banner Ad for Salsa Closet
Originally uploaded by viyaunlimited.

I may be in the minority, but I don’t mind banner ads. As I flip from site to site I even go so far as to check out what is happening in the banners … is there something funky, clever or over the top? How are the messages and media integrating? What does the landing page look like? Especially important to me is whether there is a story linking banner, landing and destination.

Of course, banners are a challenging form. They require very small file sizes and advertisers want to jam as much communication in as possible. And despite the fact that I actively seek out banner ads, my brain often overrides this and makes them invisible. I find this fascinating — it is like my brain has installed its own TiVo — the banners are there, no doubt — but they simply do not register.

In the ongoing battle for consumers online attention, new technologies such as pointroll have emerged as leading players in delivering rich media banners. There are a couple of reasons for this — the rich media interactions available through pointroll can turn an interruption into an opt-in engagment, the creative can be surprisingly good and they are still novel. But more compellingly, pointroll have turned the concept of measurement on its head — redefining the role and potential for banner ads in the media mix — moving away from simplistic measures such as "hits" or "impressions" and looking at "brand engagement" and "interaction rates". (Matt Dickman has a great answer to Mark Goren’s Question a Day on the topic of interaction rates for rich media advertising … be sure to check it out!).

I continue to believe that those of us involved in social media need to take a leaf out of the pointroll book and develop new metrics for what is, essentially, a new form of brand engagement. Technorati, Alexa and so on are great from an aggregation point of view, but they still fly too high. We all know that blogs and banners are doing a nice little dance for consumers … but when it comes to your brand — you really want to know whether you are dancing a waltz or a salsa.

What to do and how much – Brands

Social media is transforming the way that we use and consume media. It is also transforming the relationship that we have with brands, personalities, politicians and institutions. Or is it?

While it is clear that there has been a shift in the desire of the audience to consume media and communications in a whole new way, it is equally clear that marketers and advertisers have yet to find a way to adequately respond to these desires. It strikes me, however, that the risks lie in wait not for the brands but for the agencies who perform on their behalf. The very clever Paul McEnany has been talking about this for some time. In practical terms, however, it seems that there are some simple steps that can begun to be put into place.

For brands there are a few things you can do. In another post I will look at what agencies can do.

1. As always, start small. Talk to someone outside of your normal roster. Go boutique. You want to reach a niche audience so start with a niche agency who understand social media. If you can’t find an agency, try approaching the legion of marketing bloggers who work as consultants.

2. Slice and dice. Your planners will have provided you with a good undersanding of your target markets and their drivers — go back and ask for the same analysis SPECIFICALLY for the growing number of interactive channels. If they can’t provide this to you, find someone who can. Remember, you don’t want to talk to everybody — that is what MSM is for — use your power to slice and dice to open dialogue with those who CHOOSE to engage with you.

3. Measure and improve. Digital media provides an unrivalled ability to measure the interactions that your audiences can have with your brand. EVERY communication can be tracked, every link counted and every comment responded to. Use this information to track the performance of your communications/messaging and improve. Remember, this should be an ongoing experiment.

4. Use your head. A social media program won’t cost you a fortune to start but it will take some time. You don’t need to reposition your entire media budget — but allocate a small percentage as well as some HEAD hours. These programs work best when they are driven by someone passionate about your brand/product/service.

5. Start NOW. Don’t be frightened to start — it is likely to take 12+ months to make some headway — and by then you will be 12 months ahead of your competitors.