Over the past few weeks I have been noticing a few additional incoming links related to the Z-list. There have also been a few comments and emails. Now, I am a fan of the Z-list … it has been a great way to get to know a few other blogs that I would not normally visit and I do tend to check out the new additions as they come through.
The Z-list is like a wave, it ebbs and flows, comes and goes … and with it comes links to new and sometimes interesting websites. Most of the new additions have very limited content and the Z-list has been used as a way of boosting awareness, readership and links.
But, as always, awareness and links (or even traffic) don’t make a community. When the hapless Z-list visitor follows the links through to your site what will they find. Is there:
- Interesting and engaging content
- A depth of topics devoted to your specialisation
- Posts that invite your readers into a dialogue
- A spirit of transparency in your writing style
- An emerging sense of your personal brand
You see, the Z-list can be a great opportunity but it could also be your worst nightmare. It may just generate traffic for you, it may succeed in boosting your Technorati ranking … but all this fades quicker than the click of a mouse. It is like inviting someone to your home but then not offering them anything to drink — no nibbles, no entertainment or conversation.
So rather than simply jumping into the Z-list, take the time to get your house in order. You will be remembered for being a charming host, an affable conversationalist and we will all talk about how good your party was. Isn’t that the point?
Update: If you are a new Z-lister and want to see some examples of good blogging practice, you can start with those sites on my blogroll. I ONLY list sites that I read regularly, and those that make it are consistently good! And, really, the best way to learn is to participate … you will find the authors and sites listed are all generous, spirited and intelligent. Enjoy!