Frickin’ Laser Beams Rant Frickin’ laser beams Originally uploaded by bp33. Now all David "Dr Evil" Armano needs now is a cat. But, hey, he has frickin laser beams!
Gavin, Ah, I do enjoy a good afternoon “out loud” laugh. If he starts to use frickin’ as his new buzz word, we’ll know it’s true! Drew
For the record, I used Frickn’ way before Dr. Evil. That’s what you get for growing up on Long Island NY.
Ah, I do enjoy a good afternoon “out loud” laugh. If he starts to use frickin’ as his new buzz word, we’ll know it’s true!
For the record, I used Frickn’ way before Dr. Evil. That’s what you get for growing up on Long Island NY.
Dr. Evil is Canadian. Just sayin’