Unexpected Trip

chicago from the plane
Originally uploaded by mischievous meg.

OK … so this is not my photo … but I have an unexpected trip to Chicago this week. Heading off tomorrow and it looks like I will be around most of the week by the look of things.

I am expecting a stream of client meetings, late nights and busy days but hope to catch a few people while I am there. Now, I have got to sleep … I am tired from travelling already and have not even left my own country yet.

4 thoughts on “Unexpected Trip

  1. Take lot’s of warm clothes! I just got back and pretty much lived in my wool hat. Will miss you on Friday but hopefully you can meet up with a coffee morning while you’re there.

  2. Have a great trip Gavin! Man, that’s like flying across the world, but still, sadly way far away from where I live. It’s warm where I live. Cold in Chicago tho. Bundle up!

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