The phenomenon that is Sacrum continues to grow … he is like a one man Z-list. Nedra Weinreich has a Featured Post over at MarketingProfs that provides a nice snapshot of Marcus’ efforts and approach and simultaneously contributes to the growing debate around authenticity and what is "fake".
I am looking forward to Mike Wagner entering the conversation!
Lewis Green shared his notion of what is not authentic, “Fake is pretty obvious as the words don’t match the actions.”
And that’s something like the hypocrite we all disdain. Sacrum is interesting and he definitely has talent. As far as I can see, with a pseudonym he has his goods on the table.
Thoughtful post! Thanks for the links, Gavin, that led me to meet some great bloggers, with whom I was not familiar.
All the best in Chicago.
There are two things I think we should consider when reading Sacrum.
1. Think of it as a story – Sacrum is a work of fiction(there is a dialectic in there, but I’ll let the clever people work it out for themselves). It is being authored. The author might not have the same intentions as his charachter.
2. The Sacrum story is a mirror. Do try to look at in in context.
3. The Sacrum story is something that can be influenced by the people reading it.
4. Sacrum is not available for blog signing at the present time.
I know, I can’t count. Thank you.