Overall it was fascinating to see how it would evolve. The day started fairly timidly, with very few people volunteering for early sessions. I saw Mick Liubinskas and he said that he was kicking things off in Room 1 and asked whether I was presenting. I said "yes" he said "great, because I had 10 minutes before he was volunteering me anyway."
There seemed to be a large contingent of former UTS students (recent and not so recent) who knew each other and had considered many of the topics emerging during the day (note to self — UTS is fertile ground for new hires). Many of these people had been working now for 10+ years and were involved in entrepreneurial and technology-centric areas which made for plenty of energy and excitement.
What follows are my rushed notes from the presentations. As each session only lasted 15-20 minutes it was rapid fire … and there wasn’t a lot of time available to sit back and not participate.
Ignoring users
We were off to a great start with Mick’s talk on ignoring users. The discussion that kicked off was about what you take on from your user base/community and what you ignore. Mick started by looking at Flickr and their decision to make photos public, even though users requested privacy.
The discussion then shifted towards the concept of innovation … and the need to understand your audience and your position within the market. That is, do you decide to take a leadership position or become a fast/slow follower. Many contributed in the conversations, bringing up a range of technologies and ideas from Flickr and online communities through to Yahoo! Pipes.
Timeshifting John Rotenstein talked about "timeshifting" and the way that we now consumer media of all kinds. In his own world he admits he is addicted to World of Warcraft. In the last month or so he has lost 3kg … it is called the WoW Diet. A friend of his has lost a massive amount of weight by playing WoW while also using an exercise book.
John also talked about ozTivo and the way that media is now being consumed. Music on his iPod has also been completely erased and replaced with podcasts. Obviously technology is allowing these timeshifts to take place … and it has all the big media companies running scared. What happens when all ads can be filtered, when the audience become the programming directors and the "local content" is drawn from an ever increasing global pool?
Digital/branded storytelling
Then I talked. Sacrum was a big hit — I realise this doesn’t have speaker notes — I just kind of speak off the cuff, but the ideas behind the presentation didn’t change much from here.
Life as an expat
Ray Stephenson then talked about being an expatriate. Almost everyone in the room had lived overseas at some point in their lives, so it made for an interesting conversation. This reflected the way that many technologists are highly mobile, finding themselves in foreign countries. This was fascinating, as the topic veered from technology to people to place and back again. One of the best questions was around the point at which you stop being an expat and start being a native. One of the suggestions was to figure out who do you barrack for in the cricket or some other sport.
We also ended up talking about micropayment systems across different countries … and the way that the culture of a country affects the calibre and style of the workforce. This came down to a conversation about cross-cultural values. Unusual topic for a BarCamp! John suggested we follow up a podcast called the Barefoot College on ITconversations.com.
Lean and agile software development
Ben Hogan and Jason Yip from ThoughWorks talking about Lean and Agile Software development. Taking Toyota’s production approach and applying the learnings to software development. Toyota was originally a loom manufacturer … and one of the roles that people had to play in the stop-the-line culture. The focus for Toyota was optimising the flow through your manufacturing processes. Another step was learning to find waste — by putting on the customer glasses on — what is considered value from a customer point of view. This drives the overall customer experience. [pic2]
What is clear is that multitasking COSTS YOU.
MUDA — anything that does not add value — should be eradicated. The plan is to look at end-to-end cycle times and whether each of the tasks are creating or adding value.
There are clear lessons here for marketers as well but I need to process it a little more deeply. More to come on this!
John again … this time talking about how you can hack a Tivo for Australian conditions. He gave a step-by-step guide on what you need to do after you "win" a Tivo on eBay. Interesting, though it does sound a little technical for the average person.
The discussion got around to issues of copyright and ownership of digital TV guides. Copyright and ownership keeps coming up again and again.
Hunter Nield gave a great and energetic presentation on identity and OpenID. OpenID is based around an identifier such as a URL. This means that you can access a website and have it authenticate via OpenID providers such as myopenid.com.
The OpenID standards/specifications are free to use which means you can easily setup your own OpenID provider based on the system. It effectively works in the same way as Open Source or W3C.
The aim of OpenID is to reduce the headache and provide a single sign-on across multiple websites. It is designed to be flexible and some providers also allow profiles so that you can have multiple types of online identities. This means that I could be servantofchaos on my blog and Gavin on another. The choice is yours.
Trust is a major issue and there are many OpenID providers. How can you determine which providers are legitimate? For example, spammers could setup and run their own OpenID providers.
Are these "mum" friendly? Parents ask the questions "What is http:// and why is it different from my email"? And until these barriers can be overcome easily, then there are significant uptake issues.
Adoption — who is using and spreading this? This AOL announced that AOL Accounts are all OpenID enabled. Microsoft are looking to integrate … Digg is aiming to integrate … but these are "coming soon".
From a development point of view it is fairly easy to implement. There are existing libraries out there — Ruby, PHP and .Net etc.
OpenID providers are setting up PUSH — which means you update your account at your provider and it then pushes to all your subscriptions. OpenID 2.0 is coming — see openID.net and identity20.com.
There was a great question — what happens if your OpenID provider shuts down? Hmmm … no satisfactory answer.
Lean Development
Again with Ben, this time looking at agile development methodologies.
With traditional development, the focus is on breaking up the waterfall into an iterative framework. If you can break up your work in a different way then you are able to rapidly deploy releases sooner. This provides a return on investment early in the process.
The focus is on organising your work around features. You start with a vertical slice within your system then you need to consider UI, business logic, classes at a domain and enterprise level and data access — all at the same time. By focusing on what you need NOW you are able to minimise complexity and increases speed to market. The question you ask is "what is the smallest possible feature set that you can get away with?". This approach reduces your cycle time and brings money/value back to you earlier.
I am interested in how these methodologies are able to be applied to other areas — what can you do to accelerate product development, how to create strong and focused collaborative teams and how to focus on generating early returns on investment. The focus is on avoiding red-tape — planning frequently rather than following a plan.
"Continuous integration" is an important automation element that allows you make it cheaper in the long run (by finding problems earlier).
Side-by-side peer reviews also seem to accelerate development. So having two developers sitting together means that you get the best result earlier and basically prevent errors before/as the occur. This is called having "pair programming". It is also highly productive because the pairs can become quite powerful/competitive. BUT you can burn out … so you need to only do 3-4 hours per day. Often this is doing two hours in the morning … and then one and a half or two hours later in the afternoon.
Need to do acceptance tests up front and then discuss that with the developers and business up-front.
So you wanna startup your own company
Now these guys were funny. And very interesting. Mike Cannon-Brooks and Martin Wells made a great tag-team presenting on the lessons learned from starting up their own companies. They talked through funding models (don’t raise capital or you lose control), different types of investors (family, friends — good, angel1 — small, angel2 — larger, VCs — big money) and the challenges of hiring and culture.
One of the more interesting aspects of their presentation was the way that Mike would comment on-the-fly on Martin’s presentation, often contradicting or disagreeing.
By this time my laptop had run out of juice, so I had to content myself to sending myself Twitter messages during the talk. But I did take mental notes so will try to get back to this at some stage soon — they were both very inspiring and had fun with the presentation.
Presentations I missed
Unfortunately you can’t attend all sessions, so there were ones that I missed that I did want to see. These included:
- Phil Morle on Privacy
- Craig Sharkie on Pipes
I star now in your Australia?
Great summary Gavin. Awesome. Thanks for coming on the day and adding to the joy.
Awesome rundown!
Glad things went well!
And Sacrum is the BOMB!!!
I love his part 3 with the mini-cubes… brilliance…
I mean. Part 3 love good. Small cubes me like.
Gavin! Glad to hear it went so well.
What an amazing run-down of everything. Very interesting to read.
Also, WOW! Thanks for the shout-outs in your presentation. I am honored.
As for me being amongst those “smarter than you”, I don’t think so. I think with all of usโincluding YOU!โit’s a case of “great minds think alike”. ๐
This could have been several posts — you are very generous in sharing it all at once!
“MUDA — anything that does not add value — should be eradicated. The plan is to look at end-to-end cycle times and whether each of the tasks are creating or adding value.”
This begs for definitions. What is considered value add? In manufacturing it may be clearer cut. What about in service? Here’s what I’m thinking: the doodling at that meeting when I momentarily blanked out led me to gain an insight I would not have had otherwise.
I like the idea of walking in your customers’ shoes. Yet on the other hand your customers do not see all possibilities, just the ones from their personal lens. As a marketer you walk a fine line between both. I will be fascinated to discover where you take this conversation.
I really got a lot out of your digital story telling presentation. I love how you used graphics to get your points across, was going to grab it from you so thanks for putting it on slide share.
Valeria … you are right — there was so much to think about that I will have plenty of material to work with for future posts.
Angus … thanks for the feedback — the great work was all Marcus’ … I mean, Sacrum’s.
Sean … I am actually working on a post on what marketers can learn from a BarCamp. Stay tuned for that one ๐
Very interesting to see how barcamps are held very differently. So it seems at least. I have attended one in december in Germany and it was – well- nerdy. Nevertheless it was fun to get to know all the geeks who can do all the cool stuff you only dream about ๐
Judging from your notes you guys talked a lot more about brands and marketing.
The one thing that seems to be common for all barcamps is the How to start up speech. Would be intersting to take a look at all the different approaches.
Gavin, I knew you would have a great presentation. Aren’t you glad you did it?
Thanks so much for sharing your notes and also for showing your presentation. It was excellent, made me laugh, was clear to understand (even for me, someone who is not educated in marketing), and very creative.
I’m honored and thrilled by the shout out! But there’s no way that I could be smarter than you though, since I get the vast majority of my ideas from Servant of Chaos and then just twist them a bit! ๐
You’re extremely generous with your praise, which is one of the many reasons why folks flock to you like moths to a flame ๐
Go you!
Nice – putting a blog to a face! I enjoyed your presentation, looked forward to hearing you speak again.
I wrote some notes on bar camp, on some of the ones you missed as well: http://elias.wordpress.com/2007/03/04/barcamp-sydney-1/
You hit a sore point.
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