CK Finally Shuts Up

Ck_quiet_4 David Armano was asking this week about which superhero you would be … if you could choose. There were some funny responses — my favourite was Clay over at exitcreative who wanted to be SharkMan (if there was one). So then I was looking over at CK’s blog where she informs us that she is taking a break for a while — not surprising really. You can find her ALL OVER the blogosphere at the moment.

You can seek her here. You can seek her there. That CK … you can seek her everywhere.

I guess that makes her the Scarlet Pimpernel.


6 thoughts on “CK Finally Shuts Up

  1. She’s reading our minds too. She’s everywhere. I keep my head wrapped in tinfoil so she can’t steal my brain too. I think it has something to do with the fact she never, EVER, sleeps. I think she might be a robot or an alien (Mindblob, know anything?).
    Maybe she’s just gonna take a nap.

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