David Armano was asking this week about which superhero you would be … if you could choose. There were some funny responses — my favourite was Clay over at exitcreative who wanted to be SharkMan (if there was one). So then I was looking over at CK’s blog where she informs us that she is taking a break for a while — not surprising really. You can find her ALL OVER the blogosphere at the moment.
You can seek her here. You can seek her there. That CK … you can seek her everywhere.
I guess that makes her the Scarlet Pimpernel.
High time that girl stopped yammering…and enough with the books already, right? Geez.
Now that is going into the depths of superheros! Maybe we should start calling her SP instead of CK?
She’s reading our minds too. She’s everywhere. I keep my head wrapped in tinfoil so she can’t steal my brain too. I think it has something to do with the fact she never, EVER, sleeps. I think she might be a robot or an alien (Mindblob, know anything?).
Maybe she’s just gonna take a nap.
I was thinking vampire given her love of all things Buffy 😉
Your favorite! Whoa!
Happy to be mentioned in the same paragraph as CK…