Tim Jackson, the MasiGuy and Chief Kool-Aid Dispenser, is celebrating a year of blogging. Yesterday, Tim left a comment that got me thinking. He said, "Don’t you feel like an old hand now? I know I do … ok, just old maybe."
So with a smile on my face, I started to write this entry up. I was thinking about how blogging is like ACCELERATED experience … or it can be if you are open to learning. I am thinking of something akin to "dog years" — where what you learn from a year of blogging is the equivalent to FIVE years of "normal" experience (like I know anything about being normal ;)).
When you start blogging it is easy to get carried away, to post every day or more and to ramble on. But then, after a month or so, you start to get a sense of your own VOICE … you start to write from a certain, consistent perspective. David Armano mentioned talks a little about this process in his Blogs Eye View video.
For me, there was definitely a shift. My first month was about establishing a rhythm to my writing … I wanted to commit myself to writing something … anything … but the most important aspect was discipline.
From there, my writing began to take shape — mostly driven by my interests. I read widely and weirdly, collected items for my blogroll, studied my very small traffic statistics and commented far and wide. I looked back on posts and realised that I was really interested in marketing and storytelling — it was the underlying theme that was coming through in everything that I wrote.
I tried for a while to attract new readers … I participated in some carnivals and so on, but could see no great readership spikes. I went off on a tangent for a while, focusing on readers rather than writing and watched as the stats dropped off. Luckily I saw the error of my ways, and came back to being true to my writing and my readers — and both of you came back! Thanks!
Since then, I have been very clear in my thinking about what I write here. The only really strange challenge came when Ann Handley asked me to contribute to MarketingProfs Daily Fix. Suddenly I was going to step into a whole different realm … in writing my first post I was more nervous than commenting on Russell Davies’ blog. How would it be received? How should I write it? And then there was the question of authorship …
I had focused on writing this blog under the name Servant of Chaos … and I still sign-off most of my posts with the letter S. In many ways, I see these posts as letters to my anonymous and not so anonymous friends — like an asynchronous conversation delayed by hours, but sometimes by weeks or months. And over the last few months particularly, I have been pleased to see these friendships grow — with comments and emails containing insight, analysis, FUN and some silliness.
So it has been a year … but it is only a year. Thanks to all those who read and comment. The NEXT year should be even more interesting!
Very nice post Gavin. I really like the way you write your stories. It does indeed feel like you’re “being true to your writing and your readers”.
I completely agree with you on the idea that “blogging is like ACCELERATED experience”. It is amazing, especially when you decide to participate, launch a blog and start to post.
As a matter of fact, I am going through the same kind of process. There is indeed an evolution in the way I see blogging, write and post. It feels like being a chrysalid, learning and growing in a way. Don’t know what’s going to come out of it yet… but I believe it will fly! ; )
My great frustration lately has been to find time to concentrate and write. End of the year is busy-busy time in advertising. Work and family is asking all my time & energy. But hey… reading posts like this one gives me a boost of extra-energy.
Thank you for that!
Congrats on a year, Gavin. Writing (via blogs, books, or articles) is no different than any other activity — you get better at it the more you do it, or the more you exercise that muscle, so to speak. It takes a while to find your voice, but it’s an exciting process. Interesting that it took you only a month — you are a fast learner, I’d say! I feel like it’s taken me a good six months over at the Daily Fix…! (Maybe I’m not the brightest bulb, LOL!!)
BTW, I completely agree that a blogging year is equal to a dog year. (Although I thought a dog year was equal to seven calendar years?) In the past, I’ve suggested that a blogging month might be equivalent to a calendar year…but that might be pushing it.
Congrats, again, Gavin…S…or whatever your name is.
: )
Congrats on the year, Gavin. I think that puts you somewhere in your 20’s in blog years, yes?
Thank you for the mention and link love my friend- truly appreciated.
With all of the blogs I do now, I am somewhere in the realm of 800 posts… I can hardly believe that number because I feel like I haven’t done enough, or all that I have wanted to.
Yes, a blogging year is truly accelerated. It’s amazing really because you learn and experience so much so quickly. In the end, you look back and think “did I really do/ say all of that?”
Finding your voice is the key, I think, to having a site that will ultimately succeed. People will find that voice and identify with something in it. Once that happens, you’re golden.
Congratulations! Here’s to many more of them.
Hello Gavin:
I’ve been reading your comments on David Armano’s blog and have come back frequently to your writing here.
In my experience, technology is an incredible accelerator — whether that be as medium, like the blog or output, as in writing code or creating Web products. It creates a context where change is possible at a very fast pace, which makes us feel overwhelmed at times and exhilarated at others.
The other interesting thought for consideration is on learning. The act of blogging — with all auxiliary issues (e.g. coming up with content, time, discipline, etc.) — makes for a *shared* experience right off the gates. I relate to your thinking, as the context in which we both operate is the same.
Congratulations on your resilience and commitment. Your thinking enriches ours.