Ideas circulate on the blogosphere with a ferocity that can surprise us all. Often our response or reaction can be immediate and visceral … while at other times we need a little longer to reflect on what we read, see or hear.
This week I watched a video that made me pause for thought. This piece of user generated content had confounded me, and I did not know where to look.
I knew that I needed to give this more consideration. And as I returned to this piece in the following days, I began to realise that there was a very deep question at the very heart of this topic — what is authenticity — and how and who is the judge?
My musings on this will be submitted to MarketingProfs … should make for an interesting discussion!
Looking forward to what you have to say upon reflection in your post for MarketingProfs.
I think I was a bit harsh on those two fellows that did the song.
Maybe “user generated content” is like children. Their “special” if they’re your children.
Glad to be part of the conversation with you out here in the blogosphere!
Keep creating,
Thanks for your input, Mike. I think it is a really interesting topic.
There is no doubt that the performers were great … the lyrical reworking was very targeted and well done. And they were definitely leading the charge for their company/brand. And it undoubtedly “touched” the target audience …
Hey, I have probably done similar things in the past — but my tendency is generally towards satire rather than earnestness.
I think this is a complicated topic, and will require even MORE thought. Thanks for joining in!
Gavin, I was watching a TV show called The Soup with actor Joel McHale as host, and they ended the satrical show’s most recent episode with a portion of the “the video”.
It is certainly getting around!
I’ll copy & paste here what I wrote over at DF.
Great post Gav. Yeah, it made me pause, too. I actually feel badly for the guys singing as I’m not sure they really knew what they were getting themselves into…unless it’s a joke (but why to make the bank look so bad?).
I’ve no problem with rah-rah songs but they took such a beautiful U2 song and polluted it with corporate, greedy lyrics…that’s what I have a problem with.
Yeah, it certainly makes you pause. At least it serves as what NOT to do. So there’s that.
Unfortunately I don’t understand this sentence but I’m really interested in finding an answer! Who can explain it to me? What does it mean?
“Light bulb for my feet is your word and light, for my ways.” SALMOS 119:105
I look forward to an answer.