Every Page is Sacred

This is one for the Monty Python fans … well not really, but when you think about it, the web really does force us to think in Pythonesque terms. The leaps of logic and associations of words that we loved in various sketches are the very memes that the Internet is based upon.

This struck me as I read one of Seth Godin’s articles today. And while he was talking about someone who wishes Google Did Not Exist, he reinforced one of his key points about "websites". Often we consider our site as a discrete series of linked stories … we don’t really think about how they relate to the upstream and downstream stories that our online visitors read.

When I think about "loving the hypertext", one of the things I like most is the way that stories emerge from disparate websites. This means, that in building an article, a page or a section of a site, we should consider EVERY page as our landing page. But just as important, is understanding that this landing page is also a take-off page …

So while every page is sacred, every page is fairly promiscuous. Oh, I suddenly feel a little bit dirty.
